Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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The Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (LEAP4FNSSA) has undertaken a study on Food Systems Resilience with the objective of making recommendations that could shape future policies in bi-regional (Africa-Europe) collaboration on research and innovation (R&I) in this domain.
In 2010, the EU and the AU adopted the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology, and Innovation. The dialogue serves as a platform for regular exchanges on research and innovation policy and aims to formulate and implement long-term priorities to strengthen Africa-Europe cooperation on science, technology, and innovation. The study on food systems resilience has been undertaken in this context.
The findings of the study are expected to contribute to the AU-EU R&I Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) and its Roadmap to Research and Innovation (R&I) programming, by African and European R&I funders and program owners. The study report is also anticipated to feed into international discussions, such as the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit.
Experts Thematic Workshop
An Experts Thematic Workshop on Food Systems Resilience in Africa and Europe is being organized to provide an avenue for presentation and discussion of the findings of the food systems study, conducted under the leadership of the University of Hohenheim. The workshop will deliberate on the key outcomes of the study, and help to elaborate action steps, analysis, and foresight that could be used by institutions involved in the FNSSA Partnership. The workshop will also provide a basis of comments and inputs that could be considered by the Study Team in the final revision of the report.
Aims of the workshop: The purpose of the Expert Workshop is to seek inputs of experts in relation to the recommendations of the study, as well as its alignment to other global initiatives such as the UN Food Systems Summit Dialogues.
Convening Institutions: The convening of the Expert Workshop will be coordinated by the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and supported by University of Copenhagen and Wageningen University, all in the LEAP4FNSSA- Long-term Europe-Africa Partnership for Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture Partnership.