Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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Hungary has selected the Action Track 2, “Shifts to Healthy and Sustainable
Consumption Patterns” to be in the focus of National Dialogues. A first step an internal discussion was held within the Ministry of Agriculture in December last year, and we have sent a preliminary questionnaire to governmental stakeholders. Based on the responses we have elaborated a document which serves as a starting point for the national dialogue itself. Now a dialogue on governmental level takes place with the participation of concerned ministries, research institutes, Food Chain Safety Office, universities.
The virtual event of national dialogue is held on 28th of April. The title of the national dialogue is “Dialogue on achieving sustainability in food production and food consumption (economic, environmental, social impacts)”. The national dialogue is opened by Dr. David BENCSIK, national convenor of Hungary, deputy state secretary responsible for international relations. Then introductory speeches are planned from different institutions, such as Ministry of Agriculture, National Food Chain Safety Office, and other concerned ministry, the Ministry of Innovation and Technologies. The titles of the speeches are: 1. Participation of Hungary and the V4 member states in research activities on sustainable food systems. How can we involve consumers? 2. The role of the circular economy in sustainability – presentation of the new waste management system 3. Food waste – a global problem or opportunity?
After the plenary session the dialogue continues with small groups’ discussions in two-three turns, along guided questions in order to share different perspectives of the topic, about the strengths and weaknesses of the national food systems, about the possible game-changer initiatives and about the short-term and long-term measures that should be taken in order to improve the sustainability of the national food systems, including food production and food consumption. Finally, a summary of the small groups’ discussions and of the whole national dialogue takes place at the plenary session.