Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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This is an independent dialogue convened by the Asian Farmers Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA), an alliance of national farmers organizations, currently with 22 member organizations in 16 countries , comprising around 13M small scale women and men family farmers engaged in crops, livestock, fisheries, forestry, herding and pastoralism. In the months of May and June, AFA has facilitated the conduct of national independent dialogues in 10 countries, convened by its member and partner national farmers’ organizations. It has co-organized, along with partner regional /international farmers organizations INOFO, PIFON, and WFO a week-long independent dialogue focusing on the issues on climate change adaptation, agro ecology and organic agriculture, sustainable fishing and farmers’ market power.
This one day independent dialogue will allow internal reflection on various independent dialogues where AFA have actively engaged, identify its priority game changing solutions viz its current Strategic Plan , as well as identify possible partnerships with other stakeholders to implement priority game -changing solutions.
- Objectives
In this independent dialogue, AFA hopes to:
- Present to multi stakeholder partners the consolidated views, perspectives, solutions, recommendations and commitments gathered from our members and partners at national and regional levels;
- Identify common solutions and form of partnerships, among various regional and international farmers’ organizations and development partners;
- Identify other mechanisms and processes at various levels that can be maximized to integrate key recommendations and actions from the independent dialogues; and
- Gain consensus on common post-ID activities and campaigns that can be jointly undertaken.