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The National Dialogue is scheduled to be held on the 15th of July 2021 at the Hilton Hotel,
Port Moresby which will include a wide array of stakeholder participation comprising
representatives from the national government (Health, Education, Transport, Community
Development, Fisheries, Commerce, ICT and Energy, CCDA, CEPA, NISIT, NAQIA, Water
PNG, etc.), private sector ,industry partners involved in the entire food systems components,
NGOs and CSOs that promote healthy foods and/or nutrition, informal sector
entrepreneurs/traders (e.g. women vendors, etc..), UN Agencies (FAO, UNICEF, WHO etc.),
development partners, academia – universities and research institutions, and consumers. The panel session will focus on three main ‘Action Tracks’:
- Achieving equitable livelihoods through empowering Women and Youth as key drivers to transforming food systems
- Developing mechanisms to strengthen food security, ensuring access to safe and nutritious food and minimizing food wastage
- Strengthening responsible, sustainable and resilient food systems in times of vulnerabilities, shocks and stresses, without degrading the natural environment
The panel discussions will break out into four sessions of which, key questions that will be discussed on the development of the framework for the National Pathway for a sustainable Food System in Papua New Guinea.
To undertake this exercise in Papua New Guinea, the Department of Agriculture and Livestock
(DAL) has nominated Mrs. Regina Nukundj who is the National Convener for the FSS
Dialogues. She is the Chair of a Working Committee comprising representatives from DAL,
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, government coalition partners,
including FAO Country Office and relevant UN Agencies.
Both the sub-national and national dialogues provided a multi-sectoral platform for direct
interactions at the national, sub-national and local levels to draw key inputs, actions and
priorities, as well as to identify challenges and gaps that exist in our local food systems.
To participate, kindly register through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsdOiprDwvGtR994Ih9nR5o8eGsM_ruBq1