Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has formed a high-level National Committee headed by Secretary, Ministry of Food (MoFood) to organize three stages Member State Dialogues. Mr. Khaja Abdul Hannan (Additional Secretary, MoFood) is representing as a National Dialogue Convener. It has also formed Working Group to support the activities of which Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and GAIN are two of the core member organizations. GOB has committed to organize several member state dialogues of which one national dialogue to initiate the engagement, followed by six sub-national dialogues. Finally, another national dialogue will be held to consolidate country level commitments and actions and in the end one validation dialogue to validate the final national document which is named- National Pathway Document. Thus far, the initiation dialogue, six sub-national dialogues and 2nd national level dialogue have been held. In all these 6 dialogues following areas were given high priority and discussions were evolved around these:
- Availability of diversified, safe and nutritious food
- Transformation, delivery, access and role of private sector
- Governance, nutrition and food safety
- Inclusion, Vulnerability and Social Protection
- Climate, vulnerability and resilience
A list of challenges had been identified from the discussions that require further research and technological interventions to minimize those and to ensure food safety and nutrition security through a sustainable food system-Agriculture Policy Support, Capacity Development, Effective Extension, Infrastructure Support, Financing, Effective Use of Technology and Data Management, Greater Role of Private Sector to Empower Smallholders, Institutional Strengthening, Social Protection, Dietary Diversification, Attention to Urban Food Systems and Climate Resilient Food Systems.
Considering the above-mentioned areas of findings affecting the process of ensuring Food safety and nutrition security through establishing strong food system in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) has taken the step to participate in UN Food System Summit 2021 through independent dialogue and in this process they have joined with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to jointly organize an independent dialogue under the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 on 09 September 2021. The Independent Dialogue entitled, “Scope of Research and Technological Intervention for a Sustainable Food System in Bangladesh: Ensure Safe Food and Nutrition for All” will take place in preparation for the UN Food Systems Summit that will be held in September 2021.
This dialogue will focus on the research gaps and scope of technological interventions to minimize the challenges. Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) being the premier seat of higher agricultural education and research in the country has come forward and taken the lead to focus in these specific areas as well as planned to be a part of the UN Food systems Summit 2021 through this dialogue. Its scholastic activities cover all the domains of agricultural sciences having direct bearing on terrestrial and aquatic productivity. The main task of the university is to tone up the quality and standard of higher agricultural education and to produce first-rate agriculturists, agricultural scientists, and researchers for shouldering the responsibilities of agricultural development of the country. It is our vision to make this University an integrated institution with functional relationships with relevant government organizations, non-government organizations, and private sector firms enabling BAU to contribute meaningfully to agricultural development of Bangladesh.
Aligning fully with the 5 Action Tracks of the Summit, the dialogue will involve a diverse range of stakeholders who come together to think about and put forward ideas on how addressing issues related to food as well as nutrition can better ensure that Bangladesh achieves its Sustainable Development Goals, and supports the country achieve its overall development strategy.