Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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************** English version further below **************
Lohahevitra: “Fanomezana lanja ny tantsaha madinika mpamokatra vary sy lavanila eto Madagasikara: mamantatra ireo fitaovam-pifandraisana mahomby ho an’ny fifanakalozana fahalalana sy fanohanana ny fivelomana”
Ny tantsaha madinika any amin’ny firenena an-dàlam-pandrosoana no fototry ny famokarana sakafo ary isany tena misedra ny fiatraikan’ny fiovan’ny toetrandro. Manoloana izany, maro ny fikarohana natao hanohanana ny fiveloman’ny tantsaha kanefa tsy dia afaka manome vahaolana azo ampiharina, satria tsy tonga any amin’izy ireo ny fahalalana na ny valim-pikarohana. Matetika izany dia vokatry ny tsy fisian’ny fifandraisana mivantana an’ireo tantsaha, ny fifandraisana amin’ny alàlan’ny tambazotra hafa ka tsy mipaka any aminy, na ny fanomezana ny fahalalana tsy ilain’izy ireo. Vokatr’izany dia misy hatrany ny politika tsy marim-pototra izay mampitohy ny fomba fambolena tsy maharitra, manimba ny tontolo iainana, ary manasarotra ny fanafoanana ny hanoanana sy ny fandresena fahantrana mafy eo amin’ireo tantsaha madinika.
Anisan’ny firenena mahantra indrindra manrean’ny izao tontolo izao i Madagasikara ary ny vary no be mpamokatra indrindra ary miantoka ny ampahan’ny antom-piveloman’ny mpamboly malagasy mihoatra ny 10 tapitrisa. Ankoatr’izay, ny firenena Malagasy dia mpamokatra voalohany ny lavanila manerantany manerantany, ary tantsaha Malagasy maherin’ny 80.000 no miankina amin’ny famokarana lavanila. Kanefa, ao Madagascar, tahaka ny amin’ireo firenena an-dàlam-pandrosoana hafa eto amin’izao tontolo izao, ny fifandraisana mivantana amin’ireo mpamboly dia sarotra noho ny tsy fisiana na fahafahana mampiasa Internet sy ny tambajotra amin’ny alalan’ny finday.
Amin’ity fifanakalozan-kevitra ity dia hidinika miaraka amin’ny solontenan’ny mpamboly vary sy lavanila izahay ahafahana mamantatra ny olana misy eo amin’ny tantsaha izay mifandraika amin’ny fiovan’ny toetrandro sy ny asa fambolena, fitantanana ny vokatra ary ny fanohana ny asa fivelomana. Amin’ny alalan’ny atrikasa roa samihafa miaraka amin’ny mpamboly vary sy lavanila, kendrenay manokana ny i) hamantatra ny olana sedrain’izy ireo sy ny fahalalana ilainy hamahana izany ary ii) ny fitaovam-pifandraisana hampitana ireo fahalalana ireo.
Ity fifanakalozan-kevitra ity dia mifandraika amin’ny atrikasa telo eo amin’ny hetsiky ny vondrona Firenena Mikambana momba ny drafitra ara-tsakafo dia ny: Track 3 – Mampivoatra ny famokarana manaja ny natiora; Track 4 – Mampandroso fivelomana ara-drariny, ary Track 5 – Mampitombo ny fahafahana miady amin’ny vokatry ny fikorontanana sy ny fiovana rehetra eo amin’ny tontolo iainana.
Olana misy sy ny fahalalana ilain’ny tantsaha:
Amin’ity tapany voalohany ity, ny mpandray anjara dia hiresaka momba ny olana lehibe atrehan’izy ireo izay mifandraika amin’ny fiantraikan’ny fiovan’ny toetrandro amin’ny asa fambolena sy ny fanohanana ara-pivelomana. Ny fahafantarana ireo olana ireo dia entina handrafetana sy hampahafantatra ny fahalalana iazy takiana amin’ny izy ireo mba hanampy azy hamaha ireo olana misy.
Fifanakalozana fahalalana sy fifandraisana amin’ny alàlan’ny Teknolojia:
Ny fampitana fahalalana mahomby dia lafiny iray lehibe miantoka ny famokarana sakafo maharitra sy ny fanatsara ny fiveloman’ny tantsaha madinika. Amin’ity tapany faharoa ity dia kendrena ny hamantatra ny fomba fifandraisana mahomby indrindra amin’ny tantsaka sy fomba hampielezana ny fahalalana ilainy izy ireo mba afahany manatsara ny asa fivelomana izay araka ny voalaza etsy ambony. Ankoatr’izay, hodinihina ihany koa ny mety ho fifandraisana sy fifamindrana fahalalana eo amin’ny samy tantsaha. Amin’ny farany, antenaina fa ny fahazoana fahalalana dia ahafahan’ny tantsaha tonga ho mpanavao ary ho fototra lehibe amin’ny fanatsarana ny rafitra ara-tsakafo maneran-tany.
Fifanakalozan-kevitra – Antananarivo: 09 Novambra 2021
Fifanakalozan-kevitra – Antalaha: 11 Novambra 2021
******************** English version *************************
Theme: “Empowering small-scale rice and vanilla farmers in Madagascar: identifying effective communication tools for knowledge exchange and livelihood support”
Smallholder farmers in developing countries are the backbone of food production and the most vulnerable to exacerbated climate impacts. However, many research findings to support farmer livelihoods are unable to provide practical solutions, because the knowledge does not reach small-scale farmers. This is often due to a lack of understanding farmer issues, communicating through the wrong channels, or not providing the knowledge needed. As a consequence, weak policies have been persisting which perpetuate unsustainable agricultural practices, causing harm to the environment, and making it difficult to mitigate severe hunger and poverty among smallholders farmers.
Madagascar is amongst the poorest countries in the world and rice is the main staple crop that provides at least a partial income to more than 10 million farmers. Additionally, the country is also the major producer of vanilla in the world with more than 80,000 farmers depending on vanilla production. At the same time – and similarly to other developing countries in the world, direct communication with farming communities is difficult due to a lack of internet access and mobile networks.
In this dialogue, we will bring together rice and vanilla farmer representatives to understand the issues smallholder farmers are facing related to climate impacts on crop management, yields, and livelihoods. In two separate workshops for rice and vanilla farmers, we specifically aim to i) identify their knowledge needs and ii) the communication tools to best deliver this knowledge.
Our action tracks of the UN food system summit are: Track 3 – Boost nature positive production; Track 4 – Advance equitable livelihoods, and Track 5 – Build resilience to vulnerabilities, shocks, and stress.
Farmers Issues and information needed :
In this first part, the participants will discuss the main issues related to climate impacts on crop production and livelihoods. This information will then be used to formulate knowledge requirements that will help them to tackle their most pressing issues.
Communication and knowledge exchange using Technology:
Effective knowledge transfer is a key aspect of ensuring sustainable food production and improved livelihoods. In this second part, we aim to understand the most effective way to contact the farmers and to disseminate the knowledge they need to improve their livelihoods as identified above. Furthermore, we will also discuss the potential communication and knowledge transfer between farmers. Ultimately, we hope that the knowledge access can enable farmers to become innovators and major actors in the global food systems transition.
Dialogue 1 in Antananarivo: November 09th, 2021
Dialogue 2 in Antalaha: November 11th, 2021