Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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The Arab Stakeholders Dialogue on Food Systems will provide an integrative and engaging platform to enable groups representing farmers, women, funds, engineers, private sector, and academia, as key stakeholders to share their role, perspectives, experiences, and issues on making the region’s food systems healthier, more inclusive and more sustainable, in addition to enhancing their resilience within the COVID-19 context to be held on March 11.
The Arab Stakeholders Dialogue on Food Systems will thus be organized around the five action tracks of the Summit to engage the Arab region youth in process and to provide them with the opportunity to identify priority actions to support the SDGs within the context of current realities. Key messages generated from these discussions will be presented during the Arab Regional Food Systems Dialogue to be held in March 29, 2021.