Comentarios oficiales del Diálogo para la Cumbre de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Sistemas Alimentarios de 2021
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The event is an opportunity for farmers and fishers to be heard by governments and key institutions advancing the transformation of food systems. Specific objectives are:
- To consolidate proposed farmers and fishers solutions in the areas of climate change adaptation, agroecology and organic production systems, sustainable fishing, and increasing market power of farmers and fishers, and scaling out and scaling up strategies.
- To secure support and commitment from development agencies and other institutions.
- To identify partnerships and collaborative endeavors between farmers’ and fishers’ organizations and key institutions.
Farmers’ organizations will be sharing key messages, insights, and recommendations on the following areas:
- Climate change adaptation
- Agroecology and organic production systems
- Sustainable Fishing
- Increasing market power of farmers
- Resource generation and financing models for farmers’ organizations