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Over the past 3 months, SGM partnered with our community to convene 5 dialogues across 5 UN Food System Summit Action Tracks. Each dialogue spoke to a different theme centered around outcomes towards a more sustainable and equitable food system. As we close the series, we don’t close the connections we have created. Far from that, the UNFSS Dialogue series has broadened our community as we continue to piece together a more holistic picture to larger solutions.
In our dialogues we touched on themes of migration, nutrition, the future of restaurants, ancestral agriculture, food waste, and resilience. We were given the opportunity to connect those within and outside our network for individuals who are looking to create action. From this, we created chapters of a larger story acknowledging the intricacies and challenges of each. Join us as we bring it all together to connect the dots across all dialogues that will help us shift the narrative towards sustainable systems — across all stakeholders of the system.