Compte-rendu officiel des Concertations pour le Sommet des Nations Unies sur les systèmes alimentaires 2021
Type de Concertation
Langue de l'événement de Concertation
Cible géographique
Veuillez consulter les détails ci-dessous pour obtenir des renseignements sur l’inscription, s’ils sont disponibles, ou communiquer avec le coordonnateur si vous souhaitez y assister.
The NCD Alliance is organising an Independent Dialogue on Coherent Policy for Healthy Diets, supported by Resolve to Save Lives.
In recent months several evidence-based game-changing ideas have been developed within Action Tracks focusing on improving the food environment. All these ideas include aspects of the food environment which are interlinked and relevant to supporting healthy diets, and all are key components in the design and promotion of a package of healthy food policies.
Participants in this invitation only dialogue will be asked to draw from their diverse experiences to identify common ground on opportunities and highlight barriers and challenges needed to be addressed to not only pursue but also deliver a food system transformation which will improve health and reduce the burden of diet-related NCDs.
Two sessions will be run during the week (June 7 and June 10) to enable voices and champions from different regions and time zones to feed into the same dialogue – participants may choose to attend one but not both events (as they will effectively be the same). The Dialogue will be held on zoom and there will be break out groups for deeper discussion of questions qnd background information provided in advance.