Type de Concertation
Cible géographique
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Facilitators: IUFoST President V. Prakash, India and IAFoST Presiding Officer A. Wirakartakusumah, Indonesia
Panelists from Rural Outreach Africa; CGIAR, International Food Policy Research Institute; Institute for Catastrophic Risk Reduction; African Food Information Service; Korea Food Security Research Foundation; International Institute of Nutritional Sciences and Applied Food Safety Studies UK; University of Ibadan, Nigeria; EatSafe, GAIN; Government of Karnataka, India; Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia; Nestle; Lancashire Research Centre for Global Development, UK; Central and South America Regional Association for Food Science and Technology (ALACCTA), Colombia
The role of sustainable agriculture in the global Food Chain is vital both for humans and animals. It needs the intervention of Food Science (FS) and Technology (T) as appropriate to the crop and the region from farm to consumer. This focus is powered by lead speakers and a panel of discussants from various regions of the world. Issues of capacity building, food supply, future earth, inclusive of sustainable local solutions for global problems leading to healthy diets will be addressed. Emphasis will be also on adaptable, affordable and accessible technologies through cutting edge FS and T.
This dialogue will engage members of IUFoST and IAFoST partnership globally with all those interested in how to bring together multi-disciplinary sciences, from local to global levels to build sustainable capacity, empower women and youth, to strengthen policy to ensure future resilient and sustainable food systems and healthy diets through the engagement of Food Science and Technology across the food chain.
TO REGISTER: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0KlXJf1CTCeO0qOEUZGTyA
Further programme details: www.iufost.org