Compte-rendu officiel des Concertations pour le Sommet des Nations Unies sur les systèmes alimentaires 2021Dernière mise à jour : lundi 26 juillet 2021 à 13:16 UTC Télécharger le PDFType de ConcertationIndépendantCoordonnateurICLEI Africa, Tamale CityLangue de l'événement de ConcertationEnglishDate/heure De: mercredi 30 juin 2021 à 08:00 UTC À: mercredi 30 juin 2021 à 11:00 UTCVilleTamale, GhanaCible géographiqueGhanaFormatEn ligneVeuillez consulter les détails ci-dessous pour obtenir des renseignements sur l’inscription, s’ils sont disponibles, ou communiquer avec le coordonnateur si vous souhaitez y assister.AnimateurICLEI AfricaDescriptionTamale is the capital city of Northern Region of Ghana, and the most urbanised urban centre in the entire northern Ghana. The character of the food systems in Tamale mirrors those of many secondary cities in Africa or in Ghana. Own food production/ small-scale production for the market is still an important activity, especially in the peri-urban areas and outlying rural communities. Local production (UPA) is particularly important for traditional staples including cereals, leafy vegetables as well as livestock. It means that food flows into the city from faraway locations make a significant contribution to the city’s food system. An estimated 80%-90% of all food distributed in Tamale is sourced within 300 km radius.The Tamale city region food system experiences the greatest direct impacts from several climate-related hazards. The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly (TaMA) and key local stakeholders will share their experiences and strategies for a more resilient city-region food system that seeks to minimize the impact and vulnerability to shocks and stresses of climate change. Discussions will include the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Tamale’s food system, and the strategies and plans for ensuring continued access to nutritious and safe food in the face of climatic shocks. Additionally, the city and stakeholders will discuss what would be needed at TaMA level to continue to support and facilitate transformation of the CRFS to ensure resilience.RemerciementsTamale City, IWMI, Planning Dept. TaMA, HFA/CIFSE, FAO. Contacter le Coordonnateur