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Partners and colleagues, in NUTRiGREEN FOSC project, are holding a side event to FAO’s UNFSS 2021 Science Days on Transformative Sustainable Agri-food systems for sustainable diets with traditional plants. The quest for the sustainable development goals require transformative agrifood systems that include sustainable diets with traditional plant species. Building transformative sustainable agri-food systems (TSAFS) requires coordination and alignment of interests by all stakeholders, farmers, processors, marketers, consumers, leaders, administrators and policy makers. The process towards TSAFS require holistic approaches engaging all stakeholders, involving continuous training and exchange of information, and requires innovative organization and governance mechanisms. How can we create TSAFS in Africa with diets that incorporate and promote traditional species? What are the impediments and the enabling factors to create TSAFS in Africa? Sharing European – African experiences.
Kostas Karantininis. Professor SLU, Sweden
Dávid Bencsik. Deputy State Secretary. Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
Busie Maziya-Dixon. IITA, Nigeria
François Lompo. Former Minister of Agriculture, CNRST/INERA, Burkina Faso
Alphonsine Ramde Tiendrebiogo. CAMES, Burkina Faso
Silke Stöber. SLE, Germany