Type de Concertation
Langue de l'événement de Concertation
Cible géographique
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The theme of the dialogue will be on youth and their role in the food systems.
The issues to be discussed will include:
-what actions can be taken presently by individuals to advocate and build sustainable food systems (including highlighting how this affects a person’s nutrition)
-how young people can take part in agriculture, aquaculture and new forms of food production, such as agroecology
During the dialogue, a guideline document will be launched that was created by the Food Systems Working Group at SDSN Youth (Damla Ceyhan, Emi Koch, Rita Otu and Annita Mwagiru).
The dialogue will be a zoom meeting:
When: Sep 28, 2021 14:00 Greenwich Mean Time
Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qf-CgrzgsE9PSjSV500kHT5SagSZref7i
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.