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A growing number of women are using their work to tackle gender inequality in our food systems, challenging their community to act. Women that have made a great impact on a local and international level.
The idea that sustainable food systems actually benefit countless people in the process from soil to plate is not accepted in many parts of the world. On top of that, many projects and achievements coming from women are ignored. Women will continue to have difficulties in the food industry, until the idea that women can change the future of nature and society is accepted everywhere.
Research shows that as early as age 6, girls develop self-limiting beliefs that they’re not as smart and capable as boys. They stop believing in themselves and start listening to cultural norms. But as more women rise to roles of leadership, young girls see more examples that they can be whatever they want to be.
There is an urgent need to significantly increase and carry out joint female-focused projects with local governments and organisations that have stronger feet on the ground.
How can we use Social Gastronomy as a mean to Empower Women, and the Nordic “Cookbook for System Change” as a strategic tool to create a sustainable income model and to pave the way for our daughters and granddaughters?
▶ Talk 1 – ”Unlocking women’s potential”
7th of December, 13:00-14:00 CET
Caroline Busatto, Positive Impact Consultant, Co-leader of Dona de Mim, United People Sustainability Leader, Brazil
🔹 Chandni Gilbride, Founder & Principal , Sustainability & Inclusive Business Consultant, The Frogmouth Company AB, US
🔹 Donia Souad Amamra, Co-Founder Meet My Mama, France
🔹 Judith Höffkes, Project manager at Über den Tellerrand e.V., Germany
▶ Talk 2 – ”Social Gastronomy and the power of food”
7th of December, 15:00-16:00 CET
Sally Bourdon, Action Researcher at Fab Lab Barcelona, US
🔸 Mette Strarup, Chef & Partner at restaurant Lola and Head of social sustainability at Lola Impact, Denmark
🔸 Michellee Fox, Chef and Dietary Manager at Mid-Valley Hospital Foundation, Brazil
🔸 Wisma Goulart, Founder and co-leader of Dona de Mim, Founder of We Are Oui Marketing Agency, Sustainability Leader of United People Global, Brazil
🗨 UN Food Systems Summit Independent Dialogue session
8th of December, 16:15-18:15 CET
We invite you to take a seat at the table as a delegate and to bring an open mind, conscious curiosity, and diverse experience along with you.
The Dialogues approach enables participants to:
- Listen to each other;
- Welcome diverse perspectives;
- Seek out new connections;
- Explore both synergy and divergence;
- Collaborate in order to identify promising courses of action;
- Debate potential impact of different strategies.
By the end of the Dialogue period participants will have identified the practices and policies that will have the greatest impact on the achievement of the desired future vision within their local food systems. They will also consider how it will be possible to assess progress towards this vision as well as who needs to be involved in getting there and what kinds of challenges will need to be navigated along the way.