Type de Concertation
Langue de l'événement de Concertation
Cible géographique
Veuillez consulter les détails ci-dessous pour obtenir des renseignements sur l’inscription, s’ils sont disponibles, ou communiquer avec le coordonnateur si vous souhaitez y assister.
During the National Week, a number of initiatives take place all over the country, with the purpose to promote production of healthy and sustainable food practices and raise awareness on problematic issues related to access to good food:
- Municipal forums for promotion of municipal food policies;
- School debates – students from VIII-XII grade will debate on the challenges presented in the documentary “The Honest Supermarket Whats Really in Our Food” https://www.dokumentalni.com/archives/10841
- Open kitchens – children and students viisit local kitchens and meet leading culinary professionals;
- Open markets – children and students visit farmers’ markets and meet leading local farmers;
- Open food producers – children and students visit producers of traditional, farmer’s and artisan food, meetings with owners, masters and technical engineers;
- School bridges – meetings between students from professional food high schools and students from elementary schools and kindergartens to present « The Inspiration to Study about the Food”;
- Virtual City Tour on Responsible Consumption of Food – developed by EcoCentric: https://en.actionbound.com/bound/urban-tour
- Discussion on the “Hidden Picture” – depicting challenges related to the security of food systems:
- Video challenge “What Is Good Food For Me” with #GoodFood4All #dobrahrana2021.
The National Week for Access to Good Food is held within the initiative “Access to Good Food,” initiated by Bulgarian Meat Tradition Foundation in 2007 as part of a country-wide research project aiming at exploring practices and challenges before the Access to Good Food in Bulgaria. The symbol of the WEEK is the GREEN CARD– everybody holds high the GREEN CARDS in support of the access to good food. Thousands of GREEN CARDS are held annually.
The week ends with a two day conference “Access to Good Food: Challenges to Food Systems Security and Sustainability”: https://summitdialogues.org/dialogue/46446/
Access to Good Food Annual Awards’2021 will be announced in ten categories for contribution to the sustainable and safe food systems.
The project is based on the partnership and active participation of key partners in the food sector.
The event will be held in different places at diffeent times:
From: Saturday, October 16, 2021, 00:00 GMT+3
To: Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 18:00 GMT+3
Accounts and pictures from the initiatives held will be uploaded at: https://www.facebook.com/events/367024298492122/ and www.dobrahrana.info