États-Unis d’Amérique - Étape 3
Major focus
In following with the guidelines of the UN Dialogues Toolkit and to ensure a systematic, comprehensive approach to assessing food systems, the final U.S. National Dialogue focused on identifying pathways for building more socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable food systems in the United States. The discussions built on the results of the first and second U.S. National Food Systems Dialogues. The event agenda consisted of opening remarks, followed by one fifty-minute small group breakout sessions led by U.S. government experts and researchers, and concluding with a closing ple
... Lire la suitenary featuring read-outs of the breakout session discussions by facilitators. To motivate the breakout discussions, participants were requested to come to the Dialogue ready to share their perspectives on the steps necessary to create pathways towards more sustainable food systems in the United States over the next 3-5 years, keeping in mind the challenges and solutions identified in the first and second National Dialogues. Discussion Questions: To encourage a systematic assessment of pathways, breakout groups considered the following main questions: • How do we advance sustainable food systems in the United States over the next 3-5 years (economic, social, environmental)? What approaches are necessary? • How can food system actors work together to meet these goals? • Additional questions: o What steps/approaches are necessary to make progress? o What structures/processes are necessary to ensure that all stakeholders and perspectives are included? • Consider synergies and tradeoffs between the three pillars of sustainability: o What are the synergies among social, economic, and environmental objectives? o What are the tradeoffs among social, economic, and environmental objectives and how will we manage these tradeoffs and recognize or compensate those who might be made worse off? Breakout groups were asked to consider pathways to advancing the three pillars of sustainability: 1. Economic - Decent incomes for farmers, farm workers and workers along the supply chain plus fair and competitive markets that serve all sized producers (production, processing, aggregation/distribution, markets) 2. Social - Access to nutritious foods and healthy diets, bolster participation of socially disadvantaged groups 3. Environmental - Agricultural production that minimizes negative environmental impacts and mitigates climate change Lire moins
Piste(s) d'Action: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Mots-clés : Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment