الملاحظات التقييمية الرسمية على الحوارات إلى قمة الأمم المتحدة للنظم الغذائية لعام 2021
نوع الحوار
بدعوة من
لغة فعالية الحوار
نطاق التركيز الجغرافي
يُرجى مراجعة التفاصيل أدناه للحصول على معلومات التسجيل إذا كانت متوفرة أو الاتصال بمنظم الحوار إذا كنت ترغب في الحضور.
Background of the Activity
The Food Systems Summit Community Platform encourages public, global conversations as part of a year-long conversation initiated by the United Nations to bring together stakeholders as they explore, debate, and shape pathways to sustainable and equitable food systems that will contribute to all the Sustainable Development Goals.
Likewise, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines endeavors to implement a roadmap towards Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development (ISID) as stated in the Lima Declaration adopted on 02 December 2013 during the 15th session of the General Conference of UNIDO.
Objective of the Activity
The National Dialogue on Models of Sustainable Agri-Industrial Business Corridors (ABCs): Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization and Further Innovation will be conducted to contribute to the overall output of the Department of Agriculture for the development of the Philippine pathway to sustainable food systems.
In particular, this dialogue will focus on the Agri-Industrial Business Corridors that are being implemented by the Department under the Agriculture and Fisheries Industrialization Development Program (AIDPro). It will contribute to the attainment of SDG 9 and support the following development areas:
- Supporting inclusive, sustainable, and innovation-led industrialization
- Fostering green and resilient industrial communities
- Cultivating effective partnerships for ISID
Expected Output
The major output of the dialogue will be the feedback from stakeholders on the models presented. Their comments and recommendations shall constitute the areas of divergence and which shall serve as input in shaping pathways to sustainable food systems and validate options for game-changing propositions for the 5 Action Tracks of the UN Food Systems.