Compte-rendu officiel des Concertations pour le Sommet des Nations Unies sur les systèmes alimentaires 2021Dernière mise à jour : vendredi 23 juillet 2021 à 23:25 UTC Télécharger le PDFType de ConcertationÉtat membreÉtapeÉtape 1CoordonnateurNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE MINISTRY OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURELangue de l'événement de ConcertationENGLISHDate/heure De: mardi 29 juin 2021 à 09:30 UTC À: mardi 29 juin 2021 à 12:00 UTCVilleAccra, GhanaCible géographiqueGhanaFormatEn ligneVeuillez consulter les détails ci-dessous pour obtenir des renseignements sur l’inscription, s’ils sont disponibles, ou communiquer avec le coordonnateur si vous souhaitez y assister.AnimateurPROF. ANNA LARTEY, NUTRITION AND FOOD SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, AND PROF. AMOS LAAR, SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, UNIVERSITY OF GHANA, ACCRADescriptionGhana’s inaugural dialogue will be held under the theme « Developing a Resilient and Equitable Food System for Improved Food and Nutrition Security”. It will bring together food systems actors such as producers, transporters, processors, retailers, consumers, waste managers, academics, policymakers, the private sector, youth, and women to deliberate on Ghana’s food systems.The objective of the dialogue is to share information and reflect on the status of Ghana’s food systems, identify challenges and constraints, potentials and opportunities, and game-changing solutions and ideas for its transformation, including defined roles and responsibilities.The dialogue will entail a framing presentation on Ghana’s Food Systems, five break-out sessions based on the Food Systems Summit action tracks, and a plenary to share and build consensus on key recommendations for transforming Ghana’s Food Systems.RemerciementsUNITED NATIONS, GHANA, SUN ACADEMIC PLATFORM, AGRA. Contacter le Coordonnateur Crédit image : Anthony Nelson