Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Просьба ознакомиться с приводимыми ниже данными для получения регистрационной информации, если таковая имеется, или обратитесь к руководителю диалога, если желаете принять участие.
An estimated 79.5 million people were forcibly displaced by the end of 2019 including 20.7 million refugees under UNHCR’s mandate. Refugee populations are disproportionately dependent on informal sector jobs and often lack access to social safety nets. COVID is having a devastating impact by reducing employment opportunities and eroding livelihoods. Access to quality food is being compromised, and concerns about nutrition are increasing across many populations.
This event will focus on refugee engagement in food systems, addressing challenges as well as opportunities. Through a moderated exchange between the refugees and the Special Envoy, the discussion will identify refugees’ views, perspectives and ideas on how the Summit activities and efforts to transform food systems can be leveraged for greater food security, better nutrition and more viable livelihoods for refugees.