Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Просьба ознакомиться с приводимыми ниже данными для получения регистрационной информации, если таковая имеется, или обратитесь к руководителю диалога, если желаете принять участие.
As the world comprehends the significant role our current food system has played in the planetary crisis, food companies around the world are quickly taking steps — some big strides, some early motions — to take responsibility and reduce the impact of their supply chains. But unlike big food, some mission-driven companies were conceived with the very goal of designing a new food system that’s built for planetary and human health. This dialogue will convene those mission-driven players to share their challenges, opportunities and visions for the future and collect their perspectives as input for the UN Sustainable Food Summit.