In the world we are living in right now, unsustainable food systems have caused health crises, climate urgency, and the devastation of biodiversity. It has also challenged the fundamental principle of social justice. It is of great urgency to rebuild a healthier, more sustainable, and fairer food system. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will therefore hold a food systems summit in September 2021. In the summit, voices from all major stakeholders, including the youth, will be collected to initiate a solution that will revolutionize the way the food will be produced and consumed.
To realize the «GoodFood4All» goal, young people must act now. In support of that, #Act4Food and #Act4Change initiatives aim at collecting youth’s voices by making one pledge and responding to 17 action goals. Meanwhile, a series of youth dialogues will be held across the globe to spread the initiatives. This Regional Dialogue in the Mandarin region will be the first-ever dialogue. Youth participants in this dialogue will be invited to discuss problems of the food system inChina, which action goals shall be prioritized, where the challenges can be, and what roles Chinese youth can take in this action.