Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Просьба ознакомиться с приводимыми ниже данными для получения регистрационной информации, если таковая имеется, или обратитесь к руководителю диалога, если желаете принять участие.
Ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit in September, this dialogue brings together 100 key stakeholders from across our global food system to discuss game-changing solutions that can put us on a transformative path to an equitable, sustainable, climate-smart future. Following the Summit’s five ‘Action Tracks’ — which draw in voices and perspectives from around the world around urgent challenges — this event will open with high-level presentations and then break participants into groups for intensive, facilitated discussions that will explore the solutions needed and how they can be delivered on the necessary scale. Through this dialogue, the game-changing solutions put forward will inspire action from global leaders in what is potentially a make-or-break year for international cooperation on sustainable food systems.
Around 100 key participants (invite only) from different stakeholder groups (farmers, researchers, international organizations, non-profits, businesses etc.) and regions (Americas, EU, Africa) will come together to discuss the actions required to implement or scale specific game-changing solutions identified by the Summit Action Track Teams.
- Identify current coalitions, partnerships, and programs that are aligned with priority game-changing solutions
- Evaluate key actions to advance priority game-changing solutions
- Identify key stakeholders for implementing these actions