Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Food systems are and must be at the heart of supporting people’s and planetary health and economic development. Transforming to a more sustainable food system is critical if we want to curb climate change, protect biodiversity, tackle poverty, create jobs, support COVID19 recovery, ensure food security & build resilience. Yet today’s food systems are not fit for purpose. Global hunger and other forms of malnutrition (including overweight & obesity) are on the rise and agri-food production methods come at the cost of severe environmental degradation and inequality. This costs the global economy over $12 trillion a year.
The financial system is currently undermining rather than underpinning productive, sustainable and regenerative food systems. Incentives for investments in nature-positive, nutritious and equitable agri-food systems are inadequate. Investments in agriculture and food systems are considered high-risk, more than any other economic sector. A transformation of food systems will require changes to both the real economy and the financial system, and an additional annual investment of over $300bn. This is significant, but achievable and could unlock an additional $4.5 trillion in new business opportunities each year. A coordinated approach is needed to rally stakeholders behind a shared vision and identify solutions to adapt, replicate and scale.
The UN Food Systems Summit «Global Finance Dialogue» will bring together public and private stakeholders to tackle barriers to investment and to build an ambitious shared vision of a Food Finance Architecture that mobilises largescale capital for more sustainable food systems.
The Global Finance Dialogue will feature keynote speeches from Dr. Agnes Kalibata, Juergen Voegele and Amina Mohamed (Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations). Following a panel discussion with leading experts and practitioners on opportunities to transform the way we finance food systems, participants will then break into roundtable discussions, deep diving on priority actions, and examples of best practice to replicate, scale and repurpose investment. The session will close in plenary, with table facilitators sharing key points, actions and next steps.
Food Systems Summit Dialogues use a standardized approach to convening, curating and facilitating structured conversations among groups with different perspectives on how to get their food systems to work for the common good. The heart of the event are facilitated discussions in small groups composed of individuals with diverse backgrounds. Dialogues are hosted in a way that offers a safe space for sharing perspectives openly. For example, the outcomes of discussions are shared in plenary but without attributing statements to a particular person. We therefore encourage you to come with your ideas, experience, enthusiasm, and to make yourself available for the whole duration of the Dialogue.