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The Path to Food Sovereignty in the United States: Experiences from Food Systems Leaders in the American Southwest and Puerto Rico. The panel will center on how various community organizations are working to improve food sovereignty, food justice, and nutrition in partnership with communities across the American Southwest and Puerto Rico. The panel will feature 4 esteemed speakers, Chef Maria Parra Cano of Sana Sana Foods, Denisa Livingston of Dine Community Advocacy Alliance , Danya Carroll of Ndée Bikíyaa, The Peoples’ Farm, and Dr. Katia Avilés-Vázquez of Institute for Research and Action in Agroecology. After the panel presentation, attendees will spend 25 minutes in breakout room discussions facilitated by the speakers and the graduate student organizers discussing our vision for achieving food sovereignty in the United States.
More information: https://nutrition.tufts.edu/event/2021-06-09/path-food-sovereignty-united-states-experiences-food-systems-leaders-american
Register: https://tufts.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0ocumorjkrGNGfxBCEfK1rW1rS08bvfFzq