Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Просьба ознакомиться с приводимыми ниже данными для получения регистрационной информации, если таковая имеется, или обратитесь к руководителю диалога, если желаете принять участие.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Food Systems Dialogue: Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem Transition to Build Better National Food Systems
The Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture is hosting the second-stage dialogue in order to contribute to a national conversation on identifying the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s pathways and future priorities to overcome food security challenges by developing more sustainable and resilient food systems.
In this dialogue, the following key topics affecting our food systems will be discussed among the high-level panel of experts.
- Nature-based solutions to protect ecosystems and biodiversity services for developing more sustainable food systems in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Science-based solutions to enhance resource use efficiency to tackle the challenges faced by our Food Systems
- Future Pathways to facilitate stakeholders across the supply chain towards the adoption of new agricultural and value chain innovations to deliver sustainable and efficient food systems