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Просьба ознакомиться с приводимыми ниже данными для получения регистрационной информации, если таковая имеется, или обратитесь к руководителю диалога, если желаете принять участие.
The dialogue centers on two action tracks of the UN Food Systems Summit:
1). Boost Nature-Positive Production
2). Build Resilience to Vulnerabilities, Shocks and Stress
Sri Lanka has set certain policy ambitions (such as switching to chemical free agriculture) that has a bearing on both nature positive production and resilience of smallholder farmers.
In structuring the implementation of these policy ambitions, policy makers would need to account for the possible trade-offs /nuances and seek win win solutions that contribute to nature positive production and resilience of smallholder farmers, rather than taking measures that come at the expense of the other.
This dialogue will delve in to these nuances/trade offs.
Nuances /Possible Trade-Offs:
1). Nature Positive Production: Food Safety and Quality and Healthy Environment vs. Yield Losses, Farmer Incomes, Food Security and Food Inflation
2). Nature Positive Production: Improving Soil Quality and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability of Current Areas under cultivation through agro-ecological practices Vs. Halting further conversion of natural ecosystems from demand for more land to meet losses in yields and farmer incomes.
This dialogue aims to bring out win win solutions that can lower the trade-offs and understand pathways for just transition.
FSS Principle: Embrace multi-stakeholder inclusivity:
Views of farmers along the spectrum from those who are actively engaged in natural farming to those who are actively opposing the chemical ban will be brought out as pre-recorded videos at the beginning of the dialogue.
We will then have Dr. Chatura Rodrigo, an agro/natural resource economist (economic analysis of options), followed by Prof. Buddhi Marambe, agronomy expert from Sri Lanka (scientific/agronomy analysis of options). Then we will go on to obtain insights from international experience: from India on practical solutions for natural/regenerative/sustainable farming where Dr G. V. Ramanjaneyulu will speak on experiences of different Indian states.
Link to Dialogue:
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Passcode: 891676