Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Symposium on Food System Dialogues in Yemen: Action Track 2: Shift to Healthy and Sustainable Consumption Patterns. Within the 3 areas of AT2: Food Environments, Food Demand; Food Waste, the focus will be more on these fields: empowering the most vulnerable (women and children): demonstrating the long-term impact of improving women’s and children’s health, education, and participation in the economy and society; Strategic Development Partnerships: transparent policies, government effectiveness, and effective partnerships between multiple sectors, public and private, community and international partners in infrastructure development; human capacities: addressing human development, particularly population health and education; and quality: food safety from seed to table.
The events will be prepared to ensure broad participation of all relevant partners from government, local NGOs as well as UN agencies. A detailed presentation will be introduced, as well as working papers to ensure that the expected solutions came out. The methodology of brainstorming, extensive discussion, analysis of the current situation and identification of difficulties as well as solutions will also be adopted.