Concertation Indépendante
The evolving role of an effective Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) within a sustainable food system
Carlow, Ireland
Concertation Indépendante
Event #6 - UN Food Systems Summit Champion Network Panel Series: Agroecological and Regenerative Solutions for Stronger Communities
El Salvador
Consulta hacia la Cumbre de los Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles - El Salvador - Personas con discapacidad (auditiva, visual, física e intelectual)
Nuevo Cuscatlan, El Salvador
Concertation Indépendante
Addressing challenges in Arab food systems from youth perspective
Beirut, Lebanon
Sustainable Production for Canadian Food Systems / Durabilité de la production dans les systèmes alimentaires canadiens
Ottawa, Canada
États-Unis d’Amérique
Second U.S. National Food Systems Dialogue: Building More Sustainable U.S. Food Systems
Washington, United States
Concertation Indépendante
Farmers and Consumers at the centre of 2021 UN SG Food Systems Summit
Rome, Italy
Fortalecer los sistemas alimentarios para el desarrollo sostenible (II)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Building healthier sustainable and equitable food systems for a better Malawi
Lilongwe, Malawi
Diálogo Regional de Valparaíso: Garantizar el acceso a alimentos sanos y nutritivos para todos y todas
Valparaíso, Chile
Sub-national dialogue - Gobi region
Umnugovi, Mongolia
Commercialization of Food Fortification Roundtable
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Future proofing our food systems - boosting resilience
Canberra ACT, Australia
Concertation Indépendante
Elevating the voices of African cities towards the UN Food Systems Summit 2021
Dodoma, Tanzania
Union européenne
The European Green Deal: opportunities to anticipate and address emerging risks
Parma, Italy
Resilient & Inclusive Food Systems for Sustainable Economic and Human Development in South Eastern Kenya Economic Block (SEKEB)
The Second National Dialogue - The Future of Georgian Food Systems
Tbilisi, Georgia