Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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The Fiji National Dialogue for Action Track 3 will be curated by the Fiji Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and led by the Fiji Convenor, the Permanent Secretary for Agriculture, Mr Ritesh Dass. Technical support for the curation of the dialogue will be provided by the UN Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) offices in Suva, Fiji.
Recognizing and observing the UNFSS Principles of Engagement, a series of highly consultative, inclusive, preparatory meetings were held in the lead-up to the dialogue with key government ministries and partners such as the Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture as Convenor.
The preparatory meetings developed the dialogue agenda, framed questions, and topics for discussion, developed a group reporting template to focus and guide group discussions and identified themes for discussion across on three topics to discuss issues and opportunities on (i) Protect (ii) Manage (iii) Restore.
The Action Track 3 dialogue will be Chaired by the Fiji Ministry of Forestry, who also led the three main presentations. The prep meetings highlighted the Summit’s Principles of Engagement and ensured that they were understood and incorporated into the format of the dialogue agenda and the identification of participants. In addition to this, participants were sent a URL to register online where they were required to read and agree to the Principles before being able to register. This ensured that everyone read and understood the Principles and committed to the SDGs before participating in the Dialogue. A group of 1oo stakeholders is expected to participate in the Dialogue from diverse, multi stakeholder backgrounds consisting of government ministries, civil society, international and regional agencies (including UN agencies), academia and other key actors as evidenced by the participants listing and data. Mr Joshua Wycliffe, Fiji’s Permanent Secretary for Environment will open the dialogue reaffirming the department of environment’s promotion of the right mix of native trees in restoration efforts and the contribution this has the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).