Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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As part of the global drive towards ensuring food security and preparation for the United Nations Food Summit 2021, Green Association in Collaboration with the Climate-Smart Agriculture Youth Network Global (GCSAYN) organized a one-day food dialogue on 10 August 2021 at the Green Care Head Office in, Shisong, Kumbo, to raise awareness on the need for apiculture as a panacea for local security. In attendance were 8 men and 1 woman.
The theme was chosen because apiculture is a local climate smart activity which can restore local ecosystems as a Nature-Based Solution (NBS) and an Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), especially as the watershed scale. Areas demarcated as bee farms become no-go zones for trespassing animals (like cattle) and human encroachment for agriculture. In Kumbo, watersheds where hives have been kept are gradually regaining their natural state as some bee friendly trees like Cordia African and Acacia are good for nitrogen fixation and carbon sequestration. Fruit trees like guavas and oranges have also been planted for the local economic benefits.
In addition, the honey production value chain is gradually being enhanced as more and more people have embraced the activity through trainings provided by Green Care Association. The local honey by-products include honey itself (food and medication), propolis, bees wax and locally made honey wine.