Официальная обратная связь диалога для Саммита ООН по продовольственным системам 2021 года
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Riyadh Mohammed Tropical Agriculture Consultancy Limited, Donovan Mc Laren KCDI Christopher Chinapoo Impact Youth Sustainability Jamaica Limited
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24 -48 Barbados Ave, Kingston, Jamaica
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Shamoy Hajare, Tracey Edwards, Professor Winston Suite
This dialogue will examine the potentiality of improving our food systems using circular economy principles and models. With it potential benefits to impact on the agriculture, water, energy and waste management nexus issues, reducing the GHGS from agriculture, potential to improve soil health and to help increase participation in formal economy by informal sectors, participants shall explore what actions can be taken now to unlock the power of circularity to develop a more sustainable and resilient food system by 2030. After a short framing panel discussion by curators. Participants shall e broken into seven facilitated discussion groups outlined below
1. Optimizing the food system value chain
2. Improving soil health using circular economy principles
3. Incentivizing Circularity
4. Financing Circular Principles
5. Public Awareness and Social Marketing of Circular Economy Principles and Practices
6. Building sustainable agribusiness
7. Circular Economy for Livestock Production
After the breakout, facilitators shall provide a summary of the discussion in a plenary discussion.
Professor Winston Suite, Mr Brian Bissessar, Ms Tamisha Lee JNRWP, Mr Lincoln Beal Growgreen Aquaponics, Dr Kevan Leach CQI Demsig, Shamoy Hajare, Racquel Artwell, Five Star Quality and Justice Associates Jamaica Liimited Sussite Smikle BSJ, Mr Shane Slater, BSJ Dr Leighton Ellis UWI , Ms Desiree Valentine, Mr Issa Baisden iConsulTT, Mr Riyadh Mohammed , Mona,.

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