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Discussion topic outcome
As said before, we divided all the stakeholders into three groups for FGD and fixed action tracks as a discussion topic for them. The group one discussed one action track- 01; group two discussed on action track- 02 & 03 and group three discussed on action track- 04 & 05. Now the outcomes of the breakout discussions are given below: Group One: • Establishment of a strong sustainable farmers’ platform in Bangladesh. • Allocation of subsidized inputs such as chemical fertilizers, irrigated water, tractor, high-producing & climate-adaptive varieties of seeds, pesticides, etc. �
... Leer más� Strengthening Agricultural cooperatives. • Seed bank establishment and controlled by the government and other responsible directly. • Raising crop production by vegetable garden at the homestead areas and the rooftop through conducting awareness campaigns using social media and small financial support. • Establishment of cold storage and production factory in those areas where production rate is high. It will be helpful to save perishable food items and to give more profit to the farmers. • Support to the farmers for ensuring direct market linkage to get the fair price of his/her produced food items. • Policy reformation focusing to encourage and involve women and youth in agriculture. Group Two: • From the government effective policy is required for market management and ensuring fair price of food crops of the farmer. Government will take responsibility to buy, sell and preserve food crops. • Ownership of seed is not in the hand of farmers. The seed bank is the solution of this problem. • The price of crops is fixed by the middle right holder and farmers have no power to fix it and farmers are hostage by this middle exploiting class who also make the artificial crisis in the market. • In the farmers’ community, there must have buying and selling center to ensure the legal price of food crops. • In the farmers' community, there is not sufficient opportunity to preserve surplus crops. To solve this problem in the community level cold storage required. The cooperative farmers' group can take initiative to solve this problem. Group Three: • Focus on the groups whose livelihoods (women, youth, indigenous peoples, the disabled, seasonal laborer’s, etc.) are most limited by current food systems practices, and the discriminatory practices and norms that limit equitable livelihoods. • Inclusion of pro-poor nature-based solutions and climate change and environment policies to improve the capacity of the poor to manage risks. • Research is needed in local level connecting the local people and farmers and those who are involved in the food system. • Mainstreaming Climate change, adaptation, resilience in national, sectoral and spatial development & humanitarian development program. • Develop Effective Country Investment Plan (CIP) for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition. Leer menos
Línea(s) de Acción: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Palabras clave: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment