Type of Dialogue
Convened by
Dr Daimon Kambewa (Lilongwe University of Agriculture nd Natural Resources)
Language of Dialogue Event
Lilongwe, Malawi
Geographical focus
Please review the details below for registration information if available or contact the Convenor if you would like to attend.
Dr Frank Tchuwa (Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources); Mr Mayamiko Kakwera (Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources) Dr Jessica Kampanje (Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources)
The dialogue sessions are organised at the community, district and national level to bring together diverse actors representing the agriculture, nutrition and environment sectors. These workshops are organised based on participatory principles to achieve the following:
- Enable different people to share different perspectives on sustainable, healthy and equitable agricultural and food systems in Malawi.
- Initiate dialogue on how to bring agricultural, nutrition (other health) and environmental actors and issues together to inform more integrated decision making process.
It is anticipated that the dialogue will contribute towards improving the sustainable, healthier and equitable agricultural and food systems by:
- Informing on-going programmes and projects on agriculture, nutrition and environment, policy processes (e.g. Agricultural Input subsidy programme; Nutrition policy; Extension policy); and institutional structures on nutrition, agriculture and the environment.
- Helping stakeholders to make better informed decisions on the type of agriculture that will ensure equity, strengthen food security; improve income; enhance nutrition security (links with other health) and environmental objectives.
- Exploring trade-offs to minimize and the synergies to maximize in agriculture, food and environmental objectives.
The McKnight Foundation (The Collaborative Crop Research Programme).
Image credit: Daniso Mkweu