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Registration link: https://bit.ly/36j808a
Most of Africa’s food is produced by smallholder farmers, especially women farmers. Therefore, they are a leverage point for transforming agricultural practices and technologies to improve food and nutrition security, under prevailing climatic, political, social, and environmental conditions. However, these farmers are the most vulnerable to climate change and poverty, and for the women, they face additional gender inequalities and social exclusion. The objective of this dialogue is to discuss challenges and opportunities to ensure a sustainable food system in Africa and identify ways to strengthen women’s empowerment.
- Transforming Africa’s food systems to withstand a warmer climate: Manyewu Mutamba, NEPAD
- What contributions can African youth provide to support sustainable food systems in Africa?: Ntiokam Divine, CSAYN
- Supporting women farmers to achieve food security and incomes in Africa: Agnes Kalibata, UN Special Envoy to the Food Systems Summit 2021
- Building an effective advocacy youth and women movement for sustainable and equitable agricultural development in Africa: Faith Gikunda, ICCASA
- Role of Africa Universities to empower African Youth farmers for a more sustainable food system: Judith Wafula, Lukenya University
Moderator: Mary Nyasimi, ICCASA