La biofortificación: una ruta de nutrición y productividad agrícola
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UNICEF Food System Dialogues with School-aged Children & Adolescents in Ethiopia
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Valorisation des aliments locaux transformés pour des systèmes alimentaires durables et équitables au Niger
Niamey, Niger
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Global Food Systems Summit Independent Dialogue of Farmers’ Organizations
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Young African Researchers' Dialogue (YARD) : mobilizing Young African researchers for the UN Food Systems Summit
Ben Guerir, Morocco
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Building Healthy, Nutritious and Affordable Food Systems for Rwanda through Innovations
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Sustainable diets: national biodiversity, imported deforestation and responsible seafood
Lisbon, Portugal
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Encuentro entre organizaciones con experiencia agroalimentaria, Caracas-Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela
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Innovations for Safe Vegetable Production and Reduction in Food Loss
Davis, United States
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POLICY DIALOGUE ON FOOD SYSTEM: Role of Education Institutions & CSR in UNITED NATIONS’ FOOD SYSTEMS SUMMIT 2021 , Introducing Act4Food, Act4Change Campaign"
Faisalabad, Pakistan
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Eau-Hygiène, Assainissement comme déterminant essentiel des systèmes alimentaires sensibles à la Nutrition
Niamey, Niger
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Building resilient and sustainable food systems: How can emerging lessons from communities affected by Covid-19 shape the way forward?
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Taller de Alto Nivel, Tendiendo Puentes entre Políticas Sociales y de Inclusión Productiva
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UNICEF Food System Dialogues with School-aged Children & Adolescents in Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal
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The Role of Traditional Rulers As Enablers for Transforming Food Systems in the South West Region, Cameroon
Ebolowa, Cameroon