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Geographical focus
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In the 10 Frontier Counties of Kenya, which occupy over 50% of Kenya’s landmass, there is huge untapped potential for lucrative business investments in livestock, fisheries, and crops. This Independent Dialogue will bring together county decision-makers as well as financing and investment networks and experts to identify specific opportunities and to catalyze ecosystem supports to begin curating them into a pipeline of viable and investible deals. Structural, policy-level and climatic shock-related actions and opportunities to be identified to de-risk investments in these sub-sectors will also be given due focus.
Key opportunities to be discussed within the livestock, fisheries, and crops sub-sectors include areas such as logistics, transport, cold storage and processing development, public-private producer partnerships, value-add and innovation, such as soap from milk, and leather as a by-product from the meat industry; creation of green jobs such as the transformation of waste into compost and production of bio-fertilizers; trade in commodities such as fresh and dried fish, live animals and farm produce.