Независимый Диалог Vice Chancellors Forum: Towards a Common Voice from African Universities to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 Местоположение: Без границ Discussion topic outcome Discussion topic 1: Status of Food Systems In Africa: Key Drivers, Challenges And Needed Interventions There is need to strengthen food production to consumption fundamentals through STIs. This involves the development of yield enhancing resilient technologies (New varieties, breeds); value added and post-harvest reduction for diversified urbanizing populations; renewable production systems - climate change for posterity; and, effective and efficient knowledge generation (Agricultural Education and Advisory services) Development of human capital for the flourishing the food systems needs to be... Подробнее undertaken through balancing the human resource pyramid for science technology & innovations and entrepreneurship ; and leveraging and convergence, rather than competition, in science technology and innovations development and human capital development Africa needs to depend on its intelligence to inform its foresight and strategy investment planning, measurement, accountability and learning to inform investments and redesign of adaptation measures. African universities are best place to undertake this. Discussion topic 2: Emerging issues in West, Eastern and Southern Africa. Strategic thrusts to transform the food system include; • Develop human capital to innovate, adopt and enable transformed food systems • Increase Locally Relevant Research to create and adapt knowledge to strengthen value chains • Support Multi-stakeholder Platforms to Innovate and Scale to improve food and nutrition security • Improve Communication, Storing and Sharing advances and approaches and make them accessible to policymakers and from farm to table University and research need to; • Undertake resource mobilization to support human capital development • Feed the transformation of neglected value chain • Support Universities and research institution, but also for innovative and impact-oriented training model • Increase focus on practice-oriented training through establishment of hands-on practical units and stations within training institutions; and, development of enterprises that partner with universities in vocational training of graduates Discussion Topic Smallholder focus 1. Africa produces its food from two main types of systems: smallholder-based, highly diversified production systems and “progressive” semi-to-extensive production systems that are increasingly owned and managed by urban elite. 2. The smallholder farmers that feed and employ the vast majority of people, with women accounting for up to 70% of the labour force. 3. The primacy of Africa’s smallholder agriculture to underpin sustainable and equitable food systems that support food and nutrition security for all, for the present generations and posterity, is unequivocal and must be integral in discussions on global food systems. 4. The weak linkages between African smallholder farmers and research/extension, as well as agricultural markets must be strengthened. 5. Due to low technological advancements (hand held hoe) and other factors, African agriculture is not attractive to most youth. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Независимый Диалог Vice Chancellors Forum: Towards a Common Voice from African Universities to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 Местоположение: Без границ Discussion topic outcome Strengthening Human Capital Development (Skilling) 1. For Africa, especially Sub-Saharan Africa, to realize its full agricultural potential to bolster its food systems, there is need for significant investments in key productivity-enhancing innovations to harness science solutions for growth. 2. Only a fraction of smallholder farmers has requisite entrepreneurial ability, productive assets and skills potential for value addition. Skilling such populations, and in general, improving the labour productivity is critical for African agriculture to play a greater role in meeting local to global foo... Подробнееd demand, in a competitive and cost-effective and competitive manner. 3. A more holistic human capital development is required to build the agricultural workforce, from production, to research and innovations, as well as entrepreneurship. African universities are pivotal in designing and implementing human capital development programmes. 4. Universities themselves have to change how they do business and respond to emerging needs and advance processes and mechanisms that ensure that graduates appreciate agriculture and agribusiness as a source of employment and livelihood. 5. Africa must not outsource its food security (export jobs) but build capacity to bolster its global food production and export markets. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 4, 5 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Discussion topic outcome Ideas for improving responsible consumption of dairy products included: • Changing consumer preferences towards buying and eating zero carbon emissions foods and more plant-based foods • Introducing a 20% tax on discretionary or junk food and drinks • Enhancing welfare payments, such as those introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, that will allow low income and indigenous Australians to afford well-balanced diets rich in fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy for their families • Changing the location of discretionary and junk foods in supermarkets, potentially limiting their sale throu... Подробнееgh legislation and higher prices • Better communication about what each industry is doing on sustainability • Educating the public about food production • Dialling up the culinary nutrition space and getting people excited to eat healthy food and reduce junk food consumption • Reintroducing basic cooking skills • Reducing the number of overseas dairy products on shelves • Increasing the price of food • Combatting public misinformation • Improving trust in dairy by increasing transparency and acknowledging areas that need improvement • Transitioning to a bulk/wholesale model for consumption would reduce packaging whilst maintaining shelf life • Introducing pricing structures based on milk freshness so consumers can get older milk if they need to pay less; this will also reduce food waste • Reducing consumer food waste • Better understanding generational shifts in consumption patterns • Developing a sustainability food tick similar to the Heart Foundation tick • Embarking on a whole-of-agriculture campaign to show sustainability credentials of the industry • Providing a public definition of regenerative agriculture • Focusing on a single compelling sustainability message Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Discussion topic outcome Ideas for improving responsible production and consumption across the whole value chain included: • Australia needs to continue being part of global discussions • Banks and institutional investors looking to ‘decarbonise’ their lending, favouring only low emissions sectors • Growing carbon trading and biodiversity credit markets • Increasing financing options across the value chain • Improving product integrity and communications across the value chain • More consistent metrics across the sector • Identifying and working with supporters Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Area of divergence There were five major areas of divergence: 1) Alternatives to animal-sourced foods (plant-based or cultured products) The importance of shifting towards alternatives as a key part of a more sustainable food system was raised by some, while others noted that alternatives are ultra-processed and lack the nutritional value of anima-sourced foods, leading to a negative impact on people’s health and nutritional outcomes. Alternatives are not necessarily more environmentally friendly – for example almonds have a very high-water cost. Dairy farming produces other benefits besides foods to regiona... Подробнееl communities which cannot be easily replicated by some alternatives. 2) Global trade Reliance on global trade often means less investment in local dairy industries which has a negative impact on regional communities and economic resilience. This reliance increases exposure to system shocks, such as COVID19. However, others noted that global trade allowed countries that were better positioned to produce food to help support the food security of people around the globe. Global trade helps shore up gaps to combat hunger and malnutrition. 3) Who bears the cost of sustainable development There was a fundamental tension between decent farmer income and the affordability of healthy diets for consumers. Making the food system more sustainable would increase costs of production, but who should pay the higher costs. While some noted that consumers should bear the costs, it was highlighted that 30% of Australians cannot afford a healthy diet with current prices. Most attendees agreed that farmers could not afford to bear the costs. Other suggestions included government, retailers, and dairy processors. 4) Larger vs smaller operations Some noted there should be a focus on supporting small-scale operations as this helps build up farm diversity and provides more support for regional communities and economies. Others highlighted that larger operations will be more efficient and productive, helping to reduce waste, emissions, resource use and overall environmental impact. 5) Consumer trust in food industries There was a tension between the dairy industry and consumers around the topic of trust. From one side, the dairy industry needed consumers to trust the industry so that legitimate sustainable products and services can be recognised and purchased encouraging more sustainable practice. On the other side, consumers remain wary of food industries, on the lookout for greenwashing and illegitimate claims, and seeking greater transparency. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Major focus The focus of the Dialogue was to explore the role of dairy in a sustainable food system. This Dialogue started with an exploration of the elements of a sustainable food system and the levers of change for accelerating transformation of such a system, in particular technological innovation. The first session, Reimagining food for a healthier world, was led by the head of the scientific group for Action Track 2 - Shift to sustainable consumption pattern - Professor Mario Herrero, Chief Research Scientist of Agriculture and Food at the CSIRO in Australia. Session 2, Ideas for changing the future ... Подробнееof food, generated game-changing ideas for enabling systems change. This conversation was led by cross-sectoral representatives from public health, social science, environmental advocacy and food manufacturing. Their ideas informed an exploration by all Dialogue attendees of the environmental, social, nutritional, and community resilience issues within the Australian dairy food system. Attendees investigated game-changing solutions for various sustainability issues across five sectors of the dairy supply chain: 1) Responsible dairy farming; 2) Responsible dairy processing; 3) Responsible transport of dairy produce; 4) Responsible consumption of dairy produce; and 5) Whole-of-chain solutions for responsible production and consumption. In the third and final session, What does the transformation look like? attendees explored possible changes for the dairy industry as part of the transformational change needed for sustainable food systems in 2030 and how these changes could be represented in the Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework (ADISF). The ADISF is an initiative that sets goals, targets and metrics for the sustainable production and processing of Australian dairy products. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Main findings Across the different supply chain sectors, four key areas for Australian dairy food systems were identified during the Dialogue: Nutrition, climate change, environmental issues and socioeconomic issues. During discussion, ideas to address these problems were also formulated. Nutrition: Less than 1% of Australians follow the Australian Dietary Guidelines, yet 15% of deaths are related to poor diets. Less than 10% of the Australian population claim to be eating enough healthy dairy foods. The biggest problem is discretionary (junk) foods which constitute 35% of what we eat. 58% of the average Au... Подробнееstralian family’s food budget goes to discretionary foods. The affordability of healthy diets is also a challenge – healthy diets are unaffordable for 30% of Australians. Alternative products are not the solution either as they are being revealed to be ultra-processed and damaging to health. Suggested Action: To address these issues, the group discussed the introduction of a 20% tax on discretionary foods that could be used to subsidise healthy diets for low-income families. Changing the location of discretionary foods in supermarkets and regulating their sale could also change consumer behaviour. Other ideas were to ramp up the culinary nutrition space to get people excited to eat healthy food and reduce junk food consumption, as well as improving cooking skills of Australians. Climate change: There is a global consensus through the IPCC that we need to act now on a transition to a sustainable food system. Food systems contribute 21-37% of anthropogenic emissions. The EAT-Lancet diet attempted to start a global conversation on sustainable food however it is too expensive for 1.5 billion people and is not aligned with national dietary guidelines. Improving food sustainability could increase the cost of production, so how these improvements get financed is also an issue that needs to be discussed. Suggested Action: To address these issues, the group discussed the need for more financial incentives and mechanisms to support a road to zero emissions and carbon sequestration. Shifting consumer purchasing habits to put a higher value on zero-emissions products, as well as increasing their readiness to pay for dairy was also a way to fund emissions mitigation. The development of methane abatement solutions, such as red seaweed, could be a major gamechanger. Uptake of renewable energy and electric vehicles would also help reduce emissions across the value chain. Lastly, support (both financial and skills-based) for farmers to implement sustainable development goals was a crucial part of the solution. Environment change: Conversations are evolving from mitigating negative impacts to also contributing positively to nature. There is an increasing demand by consumers that the dairy industry show its positive impacts on the environment. The environmental impact of alternative products is just being uncovered, for example almonds used for almond milk have a much higher water impact. Suggested Action: To address these issues, the group discussed increasing the uptake of regenerative agriculture practice so practice not just mitigates impact but also aims to restore nature. A key part of driving this impact will be providing dairy farmers with the tools and increasing financial support through corporate and institutional investment, government incentives to farmers for sustainable practice, better technology to drive a circular economy and reduce packaging waste, and models of consumption that push consumers to pay for more sustainable products. Socioeconomic: Lower income and farm diversity for dairy farmers lead to a more fragile food system that is less resilient to shocks alongside declining regional communities. COVID19 has shown that a reliance on export markets and international trade also exposes the sector to greater risk of disruption and can shift investment away from local communities. Making production more sustainable is likely to increase the costs of production, however dairy farmers cannot afford to bear these costs. Alternative products are also having collateral economic and social impacts, displacing economic pressure on shock-prone land systems such as Far North Queensland. Dairy farming is a multifunctional activity, it produces food whilst also helping to build regional communities and resilience. Suggested Action: To address these issues, the group discussed the need to share costs of sustainable development equitably across the value chain. Greater investment in small-scale farming, and encouragement of farmer and food cooperatives would help dairy industries grow local communities. Reducing reliance on export markets and imports will also help develop domestic industries and build resilience to global shocks like COVID19. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Discussion topic outcome Ideas for improving responsible dairy farming included: • Wide-spread adoption of regenerative agriculture practices and soil carbon farming, backed by farmers being paid income for the carbon stored in their soils • Developing feed supplements that can massively reduce methane emissions from cattle, with farmers potentially paid carbon credits for methane abatement • Encouraging more farmer and food cooperatives • Focusing on building small and resilient rural communities • Better resourcing and funding of extension and adoption including adoption of any sustainability goals; a road... Подробнееmap for how farmers can implement any goals and improve; practical help to dairy farmers so they know what to do • Tougher compliance and regulatory measures, such as planning permits that align with the SDGs • More investment from corporates and big dairy farms into sustainable outcomes • Maintaining diverse dairy practices to bolster resilience • Providing financial incentives to farmers for sustainable outcomes, including ecosystem service payments, carbon payments, payments for improving practices • Introducing driverless small trucks that can operate 24/7 • Improving minimum standards and best practice for better sustainability outcomes • Standardisation and better monitoring for carbon sequestration • Improving particular practices including feeding cows better, composting, using home-grown fodder, silage wrap recycling, pain relief for dehorning, planting trees • Industry leaders admitting the need to change • Ensuring farms become energy self-sufficient • Improving refrigeration on farm and across the supply chain - smaller trucks could collect milk more frequently and improve efficiency of getting product to market Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Discussion topic outcome Ideas for improving responsible dairy processing included: • Developing novel end-of-life plastic packaging technology using catalytic hydrothermal reactors that can convert plastic milk bottles into renewable biocrude oil that can then be reused to make plastics in a true circular economy • Learning from sustainable models like the one used by Arla Foods, e.g demand more from suppliers, encouraging and rewarding on-farm change • Talking not only about mitigating impact, but also making a positive impact on the environment • Reducing waste by aiming to only have water and salts as outp... Подробнееuts • Improving packaging use in processing, e.g. through using recycled sugarcane packaging • Improving product shelf life by using smaller trucks with more frequent collection • Better metrics to compare products, and improve clarity of comparisons between dairy and non-dairy products Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Dairy as part of a sustainable food system Местоположение: Австралия Discussion topic outcome Ideas for improving responsible transport of dairy produce included: • Transitioning to electric vehicles, this will need government support • Improving efficiency by reducing duplication of transport service with milk pick-up • Reducing the fuel use of transports Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3 Ключевые слова: Environment and Climate, Governance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos Местоположение: Гватемала Discussion topic outcome Tema #1: FORTIFICACIÓN DE ALIMENTOS: Durante la mesa de diálogo sobre “fortificación de alimentos”, se abordó el tema de la unión entre la ciencia y la industria alimenticia. Se comentó la importancia de esta alianza en términos de poder erradicar la malnutrición y deficiencia vitamínica tanto en niños como adultos. El tema central también radicó en la discusión del “alimento vehículo” (aquel alimento fortificado que es de fácil acceso a la población sin importar su estatus económico). Se comentó que la decisión de este tipo de alimentos radica en la accesibilidad de... Подробнееl mismo, pero son estos alimentos los que han sido satanizados como nocivos para la dieta de los niños y adultos. De la misma manera, se mencionaron algunos de los alimentos en los cuales ya se dan fortificaciones. Algunos ejemplos dados fueron: el azúcar con vitamina A, el arroz, la harina fortificada, la sal con yodo y flúor, entre otros. Esto sirvió para evidenciar que ya se están dando esfuerzos para avanzar con la fortificación. Sin embargo, se comentó que sirvió como prueba de que es necesario que esta no solo se de dentro de los ingredientes, sino que también sea implementada en los alimentos procesados, buscando seleccionar alimentos que lleguen a la mayor cantidad de la población posible. A su vez, se resaltó en la conversación la importancia de la educación nutricional y las dietas balanceadas en todos los niveles socioeconómicos. Se consideró oportuno mencionar este tema, ya que, se ha dado una “satanización” sobre algunos alimentos dentro de la dieta de la población. Se critica que esto afecta el alcance de estos micronutrientes en la población. Se propone un trabajo en conjunto entre los trabajadores de la salud y de la nutrición para desmitificar el consumo de productos como el azúcar o las harinas. Esto con el fin de poder elegir alimentos vehículos que puedan ayudar a erradicar la malnutrición de la región. Por último, se identificó y se hizo énfasis en la necesidad de revisar y actualizar los reglamentos técnicos. Se llegó a la conclusión de que esto perjudica la producción y comercialización de los productos fortificados, haciendo más difícil su acceso a la población. Se propuso un esfuerzo por que las actualizaciones se realizaran en periodos de tiempo razonables y así poder agilizar las gestiones. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 4 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Finance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment
Независимый Диалог Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos Местоположение: Гватемала Discussion topic outcome Tema #2: AVANCES Y DESAFÍOS EN LA SEGURIDAD E INOCUIDAD DE LOS ALIMENTOS: Dentro de los temas abordados en la discusión, se mencionó que de acuerdo a estudios recientes se determina que la región es sumamente vulnerable a efectos climáticos. Se menciona que esto tiene una influencia directa en la producción de alimentos, sobre todo aquellos producidos por el sector agrícola. Así mismo, se hizo mención de las medidas tomadas a partir de la pandemia por COVID-19. Se reconocieron los esfuerzos por parte de la industria de mantener a su personal seguro. A su vez, se manifestó que gran pa... Подробнееrte del sector ya contaba con procesos de bioseguridad para procurar un buen proceso de inocuidad de los alimentos. También se mencionaron los problemas de valorización y estigma que sufren varios productos alimenticios. Entre estos se mencionó el azúcar y el huevo, que si bien son ricos en nutrientes, son catalogados como nocivos para la salud. Esto se unió al tema de seguridad alimentaria y cómo esto es un área de oportunidad para mejorar la imagen de dichos alimentos. Se discutieron las nuevas tecnologías e innovaciones dentro de las seguridad e inocuidad de alimentos. Se resaltó su importancia dentro de los procesos, pero se discutió que había necesidad de hacer más estudios acerca de su viabilidad y de sus verdaderos efectos. A su vez, se resaltó la necesidad de analizar la forma en la que estas innovaciones han sido adaptadas dentro de algunos sectores y cuál ha sido su impacto. En cuanto a la sostenibilidad, se discutió sobre la necesidad de realizar un mejor manejo de los recursos naturales y de los subproducto, mencionándose ejemplos en el sector de la caña de azúcar y el sector avícola. Se evidenciaron oportunidades para garantizar la sostenibilidad de la producción. Por último, se mencionó la importancia de la educación y capacitación constante, con el fin de seguir descubriendo posibles mejoras al sistema de seguridad e inocuidad alimentaria. De igual manera, se hizo énfasis en la necesidad de una interacción conjunta entre los diferentes sectores de la industria alimenticia para el intercambio de buenas prácticas. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Innovation
Независимый Диалог Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos Местоположение: Гватемала Discussion topic outcome Tema #3: IMPORTANCIA DE LA PROTEÍNA EN LA PRODUCCIÓN/CONSUMO DE ALIMENTOS Se comenzó enfatizando la existencia de la malnutrición en los países de la región, sobre todo se evidenció la vulnerabilidad de la misma durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Se hizo mención de la importancia de la proteína de origen animal en la dieta de las personas. A la vez, se planteó la preocupación por las diferentes campañas que buscan la disminución del consumo de proteína animal. Se comentó que la proteína debería de ser un punto central de todos los programas nacionales de nutrición, sobre todo ... Подробнееen la región centroamericana. Se habló de la carestía de micronutrientes en dichos programas. Se propuso la implementación y refuerzo de los programas de alimentación escolar, con el fin de llevar la proteína a los niños, apoyando de esta manera a su desarrollo. Se planteó el costo de la carne como un problema generalizado. Se mencionó que debido a su alto costo, la proteína de origen animal difícilmente puede llegar a toda la población. Se propuso el análisis de una acción conjunta con los gobiernos para implementar acciones que disminuyan los precios de la carne, buscando alcanzar una mayor producción a un menor costo. Este último tema sirvió para hablar de regulaciones dentro del sector de las proteínas. Se llegó a la conclusión de la necesidad de que existan regulaciones más claras para evitar confusiones en los consumidores, sobre todo con los productos análogos que dicen ser derivados de la carne cuando no lo son. Esto podría apoyar a un consumo responsable, así como un apoyo en la desmitificación de la proteína de origen animal. Pro último, se resaltó la importancia de que existan políticas públicas que fomenten la educación nutricional. Sobre todo para resaltar la importancia de saber reconocer las proteínas y su consumo. Permitiendo así un mejor entendimiento de la importancia de la proteína para el desarrollo nutricional de la población regional. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Finance, Innovation, Policy
Независимый Диалог Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos Местоположение: Гватемала Area of divergence no hubo ninguna divergencia significativa en las discusiones de las mesas de diálogo.
Независимый Диалог Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos Местоположение: Гватемала Major focus A) TEMA PRINCIPAL Los países centroamericanos forman parte de un proceso de integración. Este proceso sirve como una plataforma para potenciar las acciones en favor del desarrollo de cada uno de los países de la región. Se buscó abordar la Cumbre sobre Sistemas Alimentarios desde la dimensión centroamericana para que las ideas nacionales sean replicadas a nivel regional. De esta manera, las soluciones propuestas pueden llegar a ser implementadas a una mayor escala. El Comité Consultivo de la Integración Económica -CCIE- con el apoyo del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la... Подробнее Agricultura – IICA, la Asociación Salvadoreña de Industriales ¬– ASI y la Federación Panamericana de la Lechería en Uruguay – FEPALE, organizó el Diálogo Regional de Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos, bajo la Cumbre de los Sistemas Alimentarios 2021: una mirada desde la visión de integración regional. Con el objeto de impulsar una participación efectiva y oportuna de la región centroamericana en el proceso de preparación de la Cumbre sobre Sistemas Alimentarios, prevista a realizarse en septiembre de 2021. El tema principal del diálogo fue la soluciones innovadores que el sector privado centroamericano está realizando en favor de la sostenibilidad de los sistemas alimentarios. El diálogo fue dividido en tres temas principales: 1. Fortificación de alimentos. Se abordó cómo la fortificación de alimentos es una solución innovadora que podría transformar los sistemas alimentarios colaborando para los problemas de malnutrición en la región centroamericana. Se comentó sobre la oportunidad que existe de una colaboración entre la industria alimentaria y la ciencia, además de la importancia de los alimentos vehículos para llevar los nutrientes a la población. 2. Avances y desafíos en la seguridad e inocuidad de los alimentos. Se discutió sobre las áreas de oportunidad para mejorar la seguridad y la inocuidad de los alimentos. El objetivo fue encontrar posibles soluciones innovadoras para avanzar en esta materia en la región. 3. Importancia de la proteína en la producción/consumo de alimentos. la cual nos da un parámetro en la que nos indica que el ser humano necesita de proteína para combatir la desnutrición. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Finance, Innovation, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment
Независимый Диалог Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos Местоположение: Гватемала Main findings El Diálogo Regional sobre Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para todos surge con el deseo de alcanzar las metas de los ODS2030 y generar desarrollo inclusivo sin que nadie quede atrás. Tal y como señala la Organización de Naciones Unidas, es necesario avanzar en una visión compartida en donde la articulación de propuestas entre el sector público y privado es clave. El CCIE integra a las federaciones de los distintos actores de las cadenas de valor que juegan algún rol dentro del concepto de los sistemas alimentarios. Con esa visión, es que vemos sumamente importante que abordemos el proc... Подробнееeso preparatorio con dos perspectivas muy claras y coherentes entre sí: • La dimensión regional, “la centroamericana”, bajo el proceso de integración, que se complementa a su vez con las acciones que se desarrollan a nivel de cada país. Ya que unidos como región somos más fuertes; y, • La “alianza público – privada”, en la que se articulan las competencias y capacidades de los Estados y sus Sectores Productivos. El éxito de la Cumbre dependerá de una preparación sólida, inclusiva y, sobre todo, compartida, basada en las mejores evidencias, ideas y compromisos de todo el mundo. Qué se espera como Región Centroamericana en la Cumbre de los Sistemas Alimentarios 2021: 1. Elevar dramáticamente el discurso público sobre la importancia de los sistemas alimentarios y qué hacer para que el público trabaje por la gente y el planeta. 2. Acción relevante con resultados medibles que faciliten alcanzar los ODS2030. Esto incluye resaltar soluciones existentes, celebrar y reconocer líderes en los sistemas de transformación alimentaria, así como un llamado a nuevas acciones de todos los sectores. 3. Declaración de alto nivel y llamado a la acción desarrollado a través de un proceso con el apoyo de los Estados miembro y otros actores para mejorar la capacidad de sus sistemas alimentarios para alcanzar los ODS. Es por ello, que estamos sumamente entusiasmados con este evento que se llevó a cabo, el cual está perfectamente alineado con la naturaleza del CCIE: Nos presenta como una entidad regional del Sector Productivo, creada por los instrumentos de la integración, y, Nos permite buscar la articulación de ideas y acciones con la visión y esfuerzos institucionales de otros organismos regionales y autoridades de Gobierno, bajo el amparo de la integración centroamericana. CCIE con el apoyo del Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, -IICA- y la Federación Panamericana de Lechería, -FEPALE-, con el objeto de visibilizar el proceso de la Cumbre, así como intercambiar información sobre las acciones que las diferentes instituciones, llevaremos a cabo el diálogo sobre "Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos bajo la Cumbre de los Sistemas Alimentarios 2021. Con el objeto de impulsar una participación efectiva y oportuna de la región centroamericana en el proceso de preparación de la Cumbre sobre Sistemas Alimentarios , prevista a realizarse en septiembre de 2021, elabora un diálogo con el fin de tomar en cuenta la vía de acción No. 1 sobre Alimentos Seguros y Nutritivos para Todos donde desarrollaremos insumos para la búsqueda de soluciones innovadoras para acelerar la reducción del hambre, hacer que los alimentos nutritivos estén más disponibles y asequibles y hacer que los sistemas alimentarios sean más seguros. Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 4 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment
Местоположение: Без границ Major focus Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test ... ПодробнееArabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3, 4 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment
Местоположение: Без границ Main findings Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test ... 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Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic t Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment
Местоположение: Без границ Discussion topic outcome Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test ... ПодробнееArabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment
Местоположение: Без границ Area of divergence Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test Arabic test ... 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Arabic test Arabic t Скрыть Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment