Независимый Диалог
Антигуа и Барбуда, Багамские Острова, Барбадос, Белиз, Доминика, Гренада, Гайана, Гаити, Ямайка, Сент-Китс и Невис, Сент-Люсия, Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, Суринам, Тринидад и Тобаго
Discussion topic outcome
1. The key points under the objective of market integration and reaching the target of lowering the Region’s food import bill by 25 percent by 2025 are as follows. There is a need to strengthen the food import substitution strategy, address transport and logistics issues across Caribbean states, remove non-tariff barriers for intra-regional trade and update trade legislation and regulations. Likewise, there is a need for increased systematic understanding and monitoring of national, regional and international market demand and increasing access to this information, including the implementati
... Подробнееon of an E-trade strategy for agriculture. 2. Under the heading of limited land availability, ample marine resources and the need for greater productivity and income from both, the following points were agreed. Greater investment is needed in technology development and innovation in fisheries, forestry and agriculture. This will include innovations in land and water management and the nexus with energy, the use of technology and emerging techniques to tackle issues of access to water (e.g., rainwater harvesting, aquaponics, hydroponics, climate smart greenhouses) and especially for small holder producers. Soil management improvement was highlighted by several speakers as was the opportunity to slash food loss and waste with multiple benefits for food security, the environment and incomes. Capacity development for using these technologies is necessary, including through appropriate communication and training channels, on approaches such as Good Agriculture Practices (GAP), Good Food Practices (GFP) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA). 3. Under the heading of the need to shift to healthier diets through incentives, regulations and education, the Prime Minister of Barbados stated that not all food is safe food and too much of the food that the population consumes cannot be considered as healthy eating. It is imperative that the Region set clear standards and policies that discourage importation of cheaper and less-healthy food options and promote the national and regional production and consumption of foods that go into a healthy diet. The Region will address obesity and constraints to reliable access to healthy diets by promoting home grown school feeding programmes to promote improved child nutrition. This is an example of needed incentives to buy locally and intra-regionally and to improve access to healthier foods grown locally, along with new educational and informational campaigns that promote healthy food consumption behaviours and practices. The actions will need to be matched with fiscal disincentives or other policies designed to reduce the production, importation and consumption of unhealthy foods. 4. With regard to the strategic pivot toward more sustainable blue and green food systems while increasing value addition, moving up the production chain for job creation and higher incomes, a number of policy and programmatic actions have been priortised by the Region through the new Agri-Food Strategy. These include fostering cooperation and collaboration involving all actors across the value chain and partnership with external support agencies, along with much greater investment in R&D and technology innovation, and strengthening institutional and regulatory frameworks that support innovation. It also requires efforts to promoting farming as a viable livelihood and income stream through the use of emerging techniques, identifying new markets and linked all this to a value chain approach. This will focus attention on new and emerging industries, including “blue foods”, strengthen linkages across value chain stakeholders and encourage new entrants to invest in the sector. Скрыть
Направления деятельности: 5
Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Innovation, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment