Concertation Indépendante
Cible géographique:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhoutan, Cambodge, Chine, Inde, Indonésie, République démocratique populaire lao, Malaisie, Maldives, Mongolie, Myanmar, Népal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thaïlande, Viet Nam
Discussion topic outcome
Group 4: Capacity building and awareness The session started with a case study on the Anganwadi work that is being done in Rajasthan. It is an excellent insight about how it is done at the localized level, and capacity building at the grass-root level is so important to ensure the malnutrition levels come down and create much more awareness. It also shows that women empowerment is an overarching intervention across and how it has helped. The group discussion encapsulated the whole umbrella of the different kinds of stakeholders at different levels, and the kind of capacity building programs an
... Lire la suited the awareness at each level at a systemic and a personal level. The main feedback and insight include: ⁻ At the consumption level, the group discussed how it is important for the learnings from the research community to come to the community level and how it can be practiced further, so that it can enhance the nutritional levels and also revive some of the traditional knowledge that already exists. ⁻ There were also some very interesting studies on reducing food waste shared, for example a study done in China which use data to create awareness on reducing food waste among restaurants and consumers. Throughout, it was discussed how it is extremely important not just for the government to take up initiative, but also for different stakeholders from bottom to up to start these kinds of dialogues and initiatives. ⁻ Further, participants shared how social media is used to reach out to more people like minded people who would want to come and volunteer. Although those are not formal structures, the kinds of informal structures also play very important roles in creating awareness, and eventually help one realize that there's a need for capacity building of these kinds of people who want to contribute at their own personal levels. The break-out group discussion was moderated by the facilitator through inviting participants to provide ideas or share information to the specific questions designed. Below we summarized the key feedback received from the participants during the group discussions. Q1: Who are the key stakeholders? 1. Local government sectors, 2. Researchers, 3. Tourism Sectors (Homestays) 4. Youth Organizations 5. Mid-day meal relevant stakeholders Q2: Briefly, what are the key areas of a capacity building required to shift wards healthy and sustainable diets in your geographical region and hence your country? And what type of capacity building programmes can facilitate this shift? 1. Sensitize the local communities about the nutritional value about the local landraces which are actually said to be Nutri-densed food. 2. Capacity building especially for the younger generation. 3. Women's agency and training on nutrition. 4. Training incentivizing farmers for switching to healthy food production. 5. Digital literacy for the farmers is very important. Q3: What are the areas in which awareness programmes are needed to shift towards healthy and sustainable diets in Asia? And what type of awareness programmes can facilitate this shift? 1. Benefiting from the local resources which are easily available around the region. 2. Promote local food which can help the local communities in improving economy as well as improve the nutrition in their daily diet. 3. Media especially social media influences food choices. Leveraging media for bringing about behavioral change. 4. Awareness must be spread among Low Income and Marginalized groups. Lire moins
Piste(s) d'Action: 2
Mots-clés : Innovation, Women & Youth Empowerment