Orientation and Training

The people fulfilling the roles of ConvenorCurator and Facilitator are critical to the success of any Dialogue. The greater their skills, knowledge and confidence, the further the Dialogue can go in addressing the demanding challenges of creating pathways to sustainable food systems.

Self-directed orientation and training resources are available to provide those involved with information about the Food Systems Summit Dialogues and the UN Food Systems Summit process. In addition to a Reference Manual for Convenors and a detailed slide deck, short videos are available in multiple languages.

Orientation for Convening Dialogue

Videos currently available in English, French and Spanish:

  • Introduction to the Dialogues
  • Focus and discussion topics
  • Diversity & inclusion
  • Preparing for your Dialogues
  • Using the gateway & communications
  • Feedback & Synthesis

Curator and Facilitator Training

Videos currently available in English:

  • Introduction to the Dialogues
  • The Skill of Curation
  • The Art of Facilitation
  • Managing the Closing Plenary

All of these resources can be accessed in the Take Part Zone under the menu item “Orientation and training”. Please register and login to access the content. Additional content is being produced in additional languages and specifically for Curators and Facilitators.

Please sign up to the newsletter to receive an announcement when they become available.

Member State Dialogue Convenor Connections

The Pre-Summit will take place from 26 – 28 July in Rome and the Summit in September. Therefore, from 3 June onwards, the Member State Dialogue Convenor Strategic Orientation sessions will focus on:

  • Dialogues’ outcomes and pathways
  • Pre-Summit preparation

Representatives of the other workstreams (Action Tracks, Levers of Change, Scientific Group), as well as the Food Systems Summit Secretariat, may engage in these sessions to hear from National Convenors, offering feedback and answer specific questions. Their engagement will be valuable to National Convenors as they develop national pathways and consider priorities and approaches to partnership at regional and global levels in support of shared objectives.

Participation in these “Convenor Connections” sessions is optional and the invitation to join is open to all National Convenors. More details can be found in the third Status Update sent to all Member State Dialogue Convenors. Registration links are available in the Take Part Zone under the menu “National Convenors” and accessible by National Convenors and their designated support team only.

If you have any requests, please email [email protected] or speak to your primary contact at the Food Systems Summit Dialogues Team.