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Quality facilitation is critical to the success of Food Systems Summit Dialogues. Dialogue Facilitators are responsible for ensuring that each participant in a discussion group has an opportunity to contribute meaningfully and have their perspectives listened to by others.
The role of the Facilitator is to ensure that their Discussion Groups address the Discussion Topic and prompt questions, that everyone has an equal voice and (at the end of the discussion) to report briefly to the plenary on the progress and the feeling in the discussion group. The Facilitator may benefit from the appointment of a rapporteur or note-taker. Facilitators are expected to:
If the Facilitator wishes, and members of the group concur, the report back can be undertaken by another group member.
Dialogue Facilitators are identified, approached and appointed by the Dialogue Curator (usually in conjunction with the Convenor). If you would like to be a Facilitator but have not been invited by a Curator of Convenor, you can explore Dialogues that are being planned. In some instances, Dialogue Convenors are able to be contacted on the Dialogue event webpage.
If you have been invited to a Dialogue event by a Convenor, you can register on the Gateway in the section “Take Part’. Once registered, you will be able to accept the invitation and access more details about the event including the exact location and logistics or joining details (for virtual events).
As a Facilitator, regular training events will be scheduled to support you in the role. Click here to view the training schedule, and sign in and use in the c Take Part Zone.
When a certain level of anonymity can be promised, people speaking are more likely to be open and honest with what is said. This is important for the richness of the discussion and the value of the Dialogue. Therefore, information disclosed during a Dialogue event may be reported by those present, but the source of that information many not be explicitly or implicitly identified.
This rule is sometimes referred to as the “Chatham House Rule”.
The Convenor decides if this rule is in place at their Dialogue event and it should be communicated on the day to all Participants by the Curator.