The Critical Role of Research and Development in Achieving Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems
Independent Dialogue
Local food, Sustainable City? (Is Vertical and Controlled Environment Agriculture Relevant Contributions to
Resilient and Sustainable
Future Food Systems?)
Stockholm, Sweden
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
La Educación Universitaria y su contribución en la construcción de pensamiento para la producción sostenible
Caracas, Venezuela
Independent Dialogue
Innovations for Social Protection and Sustainable Graduation
Davis, United States
Independent Dialogue
La biofortificación: una ruta de nutrición y productividad agrícola
Independent Dialogue
UNICEF Food System Dialogues with School-aged Children & Adolescents in Ethiopia
High level National dialogue
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Устойчивые продовольственные системы Кыргызской Республики через внедрение инновационных решений, зеленой экономики и адаптацию к климатическим изменениям
Бишкек, Киргизия
Population malagasy bien nourrie et en bonne santé, grâce à des systèmes alimentaires performants, inclusifs, résilients et durables
Tananarive, Madagascar
United Arab Emirates
UAE National Dialogue: Special zones for modern farming and access to technology in the UAE
What Processes are in Place to Reduce Biodiversity Loss and Promote Conservation
Gaborone, Botswana
Independent Dialogue
Valorisation des aliments locaux transformés pour des systèmes alimentaires durables et équitables au Niger
Niamey, Niger
Sustainable Food & Tourism Value Chain and Local Natural Resources – Mountain area
Tirana, Albania