Nepal - Stage 2
Main findings
The provincial dialogue provided opportunity to engage participants from different agencies, sectors, and disciplines including the government, academia, researcher, farmers’ organization, civil societies and private sectors from different parts of the country. During the dialogue, critical discussions were held to examine the provincial food systems to understand potential causes/barriers and drivers and generate ideas to decide bold actions for the next 3 years. Indeed, this will be further verified and refined after the feedback from the Provincial, and second and third national dialogues
... Read more. Five Action Tracks and one cross cutting lever of change were the Discussion Topics. Following the constitutional provision, cross cutting lever of change was selected as the Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Act as a legal framework for the sustainable food system in Nepal. Hence, six groups rigorously discussed on these topics following the ATs propositions and reference questions mentioned in Section A above. Relevant officials of the Government of Nepal had chaired the groups, while the thematic experts from the government and non-government sectors had facilitated the discussions, and designated rapporteurs from different agencies had documented the discussion points. Whole exercise was concluded with big team efforts. The dialogue also collected some learning to reflect impression and work further on as following: 1. Some participants were new to virtual meetings (attending the session using online platform to participate in specific groups); 2. Less numbers of participants from industries and value chains (actors). 3. The issues were well understood by the participants, which were common for some of the ATs. Drivers of change and actions mentioned were also common to some tracks. 4. There was a common understanding among the working groups about the role and responsibilities of the three spheres of the government in Nepal, in terms of formulating policies, regulations, education, and their implementation. Participants suggested to draw clear delineation of the roles and responsibilities of the three spheres of government. 5. There was strong commitment from the stakeholders to address the issues of access to food, nutrition, distribution and effective implementation of policies and regulations. Overall, participants had actively engaged in different groups to exchange and share ideas and potential actions for analyzing and improving the Nepalese food system in general and provincial food system in particular. Some potential and emerging issues were identified and validated; the dialogue was also helpful in raising awareness and elevating public discussion on key food system issues and identify potential options and solutions for making food system inclusive, resilient and sustainable (refer Section C below). Read less
Action Track(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Keywords: Data & Evidence, Governance, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment