Switzerland - Stage 2
Discussion topic outcome
TOPIC 3: FOOD POLICIES: Participants discussed on developing local agriculture to reduce processing, packaging and transportation and how to support local and regional initiatives on awareness raising, information dissemination and training. Participants also talked about the need for a strong link between production and consumption at the federal level, and more precisely how the Confederation could put in place a comprehensive food policy which embeds agricultural policy and other sectoral policies such as health, food quality, nutrition, protection of resources and the environment, economy,
... Read more and trade. I) PRIORITY ACTIONS: (1) Participants agreed that a NATIONAL COORDINATION was essential. The work done by the associations (civil society) as well as by the cities must serve as a basis. (2) A Food Policy should address a whole population, and ALL THE STAKEHOLDERS should be INCLUDED in the DISCUSSION and the ELABORATION. (3) It is particularly important to involve large retailers, which should have a diverse offer, also of local products, so that the consumer can choose quality products. (4) The stakeholders suggested to organize INTERSECTORAL MEETINGS/ WORKSHOPs at the federal level to build overarching policy addressing agriculture, food, health, and economy sectors (e.g. trade, export and import policies). (5) It is crucial to establish a RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HEALTH AND FOOD PRODUCTS to transform production into something that is really needed. (6) The health funding should also be revised, as only 3% of the health care spending are spent on preventive health care. There is a necessity to emphasize the orientation of research in the field of health, particularly on prevention, through research on an adapted diet for instance. (7) Participants also stated that EDUCATION AND PROMOTION WORK is crucial to empower consumers. The consumers and the intermediaries need to have access to education and training and a priority needs to be set for the schools - there is a real necessity to train and inform teachers on sustainable food systems. The objective is to restore the appreciation of local products and encourage people to take the time to cook, learn about the products and adapt their consumption (e.g. less but local meat). (8) Empowered consumers require TRANSPARENCY to choose sustainable products. Distributors should provide full product declaration through coherent labelling. A food policy could penalise non-conform declaration and regulate its application with the appropriate governance structure. Moreover, transparency can encourage consumers to accept higher price. (9) We must find mechanisms to have FAIR PRICES for all the stakeholders. It is a necessity to convince large-scale retailers to pay producers well (fair pricing) and reduce intermediaries. (10) These fair prices should be accompanied with support mechanisms to allow consumers with a limited food budget to consume sustainably produced and healthy foods, as the involvement of consumers is essential to make the policies coherent.(11) It is important to integrate the issue of FOOD WASTE by sensitizing value and use of agricultural products (non-standardized products) and by reducing food waste in the shops as well as in the restaurants. (12) The participants expressed that the SUPPORT/INCENTIVES TO LOCAL INITIATIVES must be reinforced and broadened. There is the need to set up a system to promote local products at various levels (e.g. access to markets, access to land, training, information, etc.). (13) Finally, the IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FOOD SECURITY INITIATIVE is still pending and farmer’s role as a food producer should be put at the centre. II. CHALLENGES: (1) A policy coordination at the federal level may be more COMPLICATED, which may take time (2) LOCAL SENSITIVITIES are not always identical with the federal level, and a federal policy could not be adapted to what is offered at the local level. Read less
Action Track(s): 1, 2, 3, 4
Keywords: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs