Independiente Diálogo
Enfoque geográfico:
Argentina, Chile, Colombia
Major focus
AGROECOLOGY, ECOAGRIFOOD SYSTEM AND SOCIOENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: A WAY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT– GLOBAL FOOD SUMMIT 2021 14 de Mayo de 2021 – Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador y Colombia. The meeting convened by the GEPAMA Group of Landscape Ecology and Environment, FADU, of the University of Buenos Aires and AGROECO2 of the UNGS, was held as INDEPENDENT DIALOGUE under the open window of the DIALOGUES towards the WORLD FOOD SUMMIT 2021. The meeting was attended by prominent world, regional and local specialists in the field of AGROECOLOGY, such as Mig
... Leer másuel Altieri, Clara Nicholls, Walter Pengue, Richard Intriago, Silvana Buján, María Esther Lasta, Daniel Díaz, Francisca Pancha Rodriguez, Andrea Rodriguez, Karina Bidaseca, Roxana Villegas, Luis Moro, René Montalba (in part of the meeting) and the registered participation of more than 350 stakeholders from practically all of LAC and other regions. The most important topics touched on, were linked to the COVID19 crisis, the concern for both the co-option of Agroecology and the Summit indicated by the powerful groups of digital agriculture and Big Data, the environmental, social and health impacts of agriculture industry, the change in the world and Argentine food diets, the role of public policies and the relevance of the peasantry in favor of AGROECOLOGY and the ECOAGROFOOD SYSTEM in towns and cities. It was clearly highlighted that it is through Agroecology and a locally-based Eco-agri-food System where the most efficient and beneficial path is found not only for farmers but also for consumers, and the special role of these systems in crisis situations such as those that we have now. We also face the importance of strengthening proximity chains, peasant marketing channels, the support of science and technology to these productive needs, access to land, water, genetic resources, self-production systems of food and education in it - and from early childhood - the role of culture and ancestral wisdom in a constructive dialogue of peer-to-peer knowledge and the transgenerational strengthening of this transmission. The statement of Dr. Miguel Altieri shedding light on the role of Agroecology in these times - which can be heard towards the end of this broadcast - has made very clear his concern about the impact of these World Encounters and especially the role played by Organizations such as FAO, CGIAR and other multilateral entities with enormous responsibility for the problem posed such as food, the co-optation problems involved and the true integral sense of what agroecology is and what is not, as shown by the vision of one of the its main global diffusers. At the beginning of the presentations, we have succinctly shown that Summit after Summit, FAO that recently turned 75 years old and since the 1970s have been proposing these types of World Meetings, has not managed to end this human scourge. Possibly this instance (GFS 2021) can serve, rather than to spend or direct funds and resources of the countries towards these unsustainable initiatives or projects, to help ensure that they are directed in the first place to processes of high social impact and resolution of the problems of rural development, improve the quality of life, education and health and support the initiatives of independent science, which based on Agroecology (really the first support of what the UN at least calls in the papers, Solutions based on Nature), can come true. And avoid emptying the field of people and filling it with machines and data ... Leer menos
Línea(s) de Acción: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Palabras clave: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Governance, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment