États-Unis d’Amérique - Étape 2
Discussion topic outcome
Solutions Cluster (Cross-Cutting): Food systems policy, planning, and approaches Participants agreed that a cross-cutting solution that addresses all three challenge areas is participatory and adaptive food systems policy and planning. Participants agreed that food systems policy and planning should be science and evidence-based, and support inclusive, diverse, and integrated approaches that address all three challenges identified in the first U.S. National Food Systems Dialogue. Some participants agreed that the goal for food systems is to ensure access to safe and nutritious food that is sus
... Lire la suitetainably produced and contributes to resiliency. Some participants suggested that rethinking our framework for food safety, security, stability, and resiliency is critical to responding to climate change, demographic shifts, and landscape changes. Some participants noted that the cross-cutting nature of the food system and its tradeoffs requires comprehensive planning. One example cited by some participants was that nutritious food affordability is a key component to healthy diets, but low-priced food creates challenges for safe worker conditions and sustainable livelihoods. Another example cited by some participants was the lack of synergy between the dietary guidelines and production incentives, which contribute to high rates of diet related illnesses. An additional consideration noted by some participants is the need to adjust for new consumption and population and growth trends, and scale food systems planning regionally. One of the outcomes of food systems planning mentioned by some participants could be the evaluation of research funding, with some participants noting research should be directed to areas that solve food system challenges. Some participants elaborated on the approaches needed to achieve sustainable food systems, highlighting voluntary, adaptive, and participatory approaches. Some participants noted that solutions are not “one size fits all” and should not pit one thing against another. Some participants highlighted that challenges should be addressed through the creation of targeted incentives that move us towards goals, combined with the removal of incentives that work against goals. Some participants noted that solutions should be adaptive and developed through iteration before reaching scale. Some participants stressed that all stakeholders need to have equitable voice and that solutions should be responsive to needs on the ground. Some participants elaborated that community-centered solutions could include factors such as knowledge systems, innovation, ecological and systems change, and valuing localized approaches. One group reached the following consensus on approaches to sustainable food systems: “integrated, inclusive, and intercultural approach based on science, incentives and innovation to support and advance local change and connect with holistic systems to create common understandings in our language, address inequalities in access to healthy diets, food production, mitigate and adapt for environmental degradation and climate change.” Lire moins
Piste(s) d'Action: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Mots-clés : Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment