Concertation Indépendante
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Discussion topic outcome
DISCUSSION TOPIC 6: “By 2030 the AKIS should be fast and effective in transferring ideas, tools and technologies to end-users” Actions: Create a central information hub that is easily accessible to farmers – so much information in many locations. Information has to be accurate, verified and independent. Collaboration from all actors needed – farmers, advisory, policy, industry, farm organisations, agricultural, education colleges. On extensive farms profit is not the total driver of farmers – great pride in farmers to leave the farm in a better place for the next gene
... Lire la suiteration – but there was unanimous agreement that CAP supports would have to be in place for a large group of part-time farmers. New technologies that are put in place to tackle biodiversity/climate change/water quality that have a capital cost should be supported financially. On intensive full time farms, profit is the main driver. New technologies will have to be supported by all stakeholders to communicate the environmental sustainability message to farmers. The ASSAP programme was referenced as a good example of successful collaboration between all stakeholders. Concerns were raised by Private consultants that they do not have the same access to up to date knowledge and information as Teagasc does. More formal structures (e.g. Memorandums of Understanding) are required to address this. Agreement within group that demonstration, discussion groups, farm walks should be further supported in new CAP Policy. Support for farmers to develop IT skills and purchase new technologies Methane reduction will be a key driver going forward – support for ruminant methane reduction research and rollout if successful. Research should be fast and reliable but filtered to communicate a straightforward practical message to farmers. AKIS will include blended learning – zoom and on-farm one-to-one. Farmers will put into practice new technologies if they understand the benefits of same to all stakeholders – they have the solutions and are not the problem. Interdisciplinary Research and more focused to communicate with the hard to reach farmers – the top 1/3 attend all meetings and don’t need info – how do we engage the other 2/3 that don’t attend/engage. Implementing Actions Encourage all farmers to attend farm walks, demonstration events, open days, discussion groups – use agricultural advisory services (public & private) Exemplar farmers in local areas – local demonstration farms (every county), demonstrate science to farmers so they will understand better and put into practice. Group agreement to communicate with influencers of farmers (e.g. vets, agri-adviser, co-ops etc. Support individual farm sustainability plans and successful schemes need to be financially attractive to farmers to participate. Impact: • Currently farmers get 18% of dividend from the value chain – this is below EU average of 24% and needs to increase for Irish farm families. • Environmental and financial sustainability – farmers must be financially supported to manage their farms (e.g. changes in practice to reduce N such as multi species/reseeding costs). • Animal welfare - grass fed is positive communication. • Clear messaging to farmers – prevention rather than cure (AMR). • Positive perception of farmers – currently feeling everything is being laid at the farmer’s door. • Make farming attractive for next generation. Supporting Changes • Utilise easy to use technology. • Prioritise multi-actor disciplinary research. • Encourage more private consultants to join Agricultural Consultants Association (ACA). • Communicate clearly with farmers. • Clear policy direction and collaboration with all stakeholders. • Clear local messages. What are the challenges and how can we manage them? • Methane from ruminant and increased research required • Do farmers and advisors fully understand climate challenge? • Getting engagement form hard to reach farmers • Data governance • Age and engaging younger farmers to adopt new technology • Profitability of main enterprises • Upskilling advisors • Translating policy to practice • Consumer perception • Scheme administration Lire moins
Piste(s) d'Action: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Mots-clés : Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment