Межгосударственные Диалог
Афганистан, Алжир, Ангола, Азербайджан, Бахрейн, Бангладеш, Бенин, Бруней-Даруссалам, Буркина-Фасо, Камерун, Чад, Коморские Острова, Кот-д'Ивуар, Джибути, Египет, Габон, Гамбия, Гвинея, Гвинея-Бисау, Гайана, Индонезия, Иран (Исламская Республика), Ирак, Иордания, Казахстан, Кувейт, Кыргызстан, Ливан, Ливия, Малайзия, Мальдивские Острова, Мали, Мавритания, Марокко, Мозамбик, Нигер, Нигерия, Оман, Пакистан, Катар, Саудовская Аравия, Сенегал, Сьерра-Леоне, Сомали, Судан, Суринам, Таджикистан, Того, Тунис, Турция, Туркменистан, Уганда, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Узбекистан, Йемен
Major focus
Considering the importance of enhancing the national and regional capacities of building resilient food systems to address the food insecurity challenges, the Conference focused on the following themes that elaborated within the dedicated Sessions: - Governance of Food Security (developing the coherent policy and legal frameworks; ensuring the coordinated intra- and inter-governmental actions; monitoring and evaluation mechanisms); - National Food System Dialogues (experience of member states of arranging National Dialogues, discussion of their organizational process, including the involvement
... Подробнее of wide variety of stakeholders, as well as recommendations to build pathways and provide solutions for sustainable food systems); - Management of Food Supply Chains (maintenance of stable food supply chains and food imports; manufacturing, retail and logistics; technology trends in food supply chains, including digitalization of distribution and procurement systems); - Promotion of Agricultural Development (government support to small farmers and farmer livelihoods, enhancing food processing, use of smart technology in agriculture). Скрыть
Направления деятельности: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Innovation, Policy, Trade-offs, Women & Youth Empowerment