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Discussion topic outcome
Proposed interventions in Food System for National, subnational and lower levels (based on overlooked issues in Action track 4) 1.Building a pool of capable, confident, and influential individuals to lead critical advances and innovations in the agricultural research and development (ARD) sector. 2. Invest in strengthening the capacity of researchers and institutions to deliver agricultural innovations that respond to the needs and priorities of a diversity of women and men across Africa’s agricultural value chains 3. Building an enabling environment for gender responsiveness to become an em
... Подробнееbedded cultural norm and practice in the African ARD through policies, programs, and accountability mechanisms. Focus on increasing the visibility of women researchers and research leaders, generating, and curating compelling evidence on the value of gender responsiveness in ARD. Case Study: AWARD Model of Women and Youth Empowerment. 4. Making agriculture attractive to the youth and non- agricultural experts is crucial since they have the capacity to drive medium to large scale farming systems. a. Creating the enabling environments for modernization and mechanization of the sector through direct government investment.(e.g. Build Warehouse for the Youth to protect smallholder farmers from the middlemen). b. Involvement of youth in Policy initiation and development stages (OWN the process), engage them in policy execution and implementation (CONTROL the process) and Monitor and evaluate policy performance (ACCOUNT for the process) to ensure the Food systems Youth want for Africa. c. Youth to own land and resources and participate in value addition 5. Funding research projects on innovative technologies to improve farming systems in Africa 6. Policies on land tenure systems that will allow easy access to land for farming by the youth, women and non-agricultural experts across the continent. e.g. include traditional governance systems 7. Tax removal on farm inputs, equipment and machinery 8. Policies on Zero hunger solidarity Fund, at local and national levels taking a bit more from those who have a lot to redistribute to those impacted by the nature or other problems and then have less 9. Streamline and harmonize trade policies and customs operations 10. Develop policies that compel the smallest unities of governance (e.g. counties) to employ community extension agricultural officers in every village 11. Form new movements and coalitions to drive the Food systems agenda in Africa post the UNFSS summit and have strong mutual accountability for actions and results mechanisms. e.g. Revitalize joint sector reviews at the lowest levels of governance across Africa. Скрыть
Направления деятельности: 4
Ключевые слова: Data & Evidence, Environment and Climate, Finance, Governance, Human rights, Policy, Women & Youth Empowerment